
As a black former staffer for a senior Exec branch official, I occasionally had folks think I was the security detail rather than the senior advisor.

This is exactly what I came here to say. In any other administration, we’d be seeing all kinds of stories about this weirdo HUD Secretary who’s incompetence is affecting the lives of millions of Americans on or below the poverty line.

Yep. Far as I’m concerned the money they’re making is even cleaner than Oprah’s, and no one’s begrudging Oprah her wealth.

Are you not aware people sit on toilets? Sitting IS touching. So, that close.

Even the slightest touch just gives you the feeling of—oh my god I now have ALL the diseases. It’s literally shudder inducing.

Can you imagine if MSNBC for CNN were actually like Fox News??

If one of the most important parts of your job is running an election and you want a promotion to governor, that election better be run smoothly.

Sounds like the executive time is supposed to be used to read materials, but is really being used to watch Fox news and tweet. So they invented policy time (a distinction no principal would ever ever need) to allow the staff to go in and see if the President read anything and to explain in person the things he decided

The AI would even pause the game right before a final tetris piece would clog up the screen to prevent itself from ever losing.

Yes! Dammit, maybe if that were the song’s real name it would give a better sense of just how creepy it is.

I hear she’s already got a research grant to travel to Norway to determine whether it’s mostly white.

The Police: I’ll be Watching You.

If that’s the case then she’s even worse than I thought.

Are you sure? I can Nazi it.

Well played.

It’s a perfectly good and reasonable and equitable position to say that we are past the days when there are no women in the top positions of our nation’s government.

Frankly, I don’t think the criticism was harsh enough. There are her remarks:

If only we could leave those shitty men with the shitty gold diggers that only care about mo0ney, everyone else would be better off!

And yet it’s the GOP that’s going around yelling fraud the loudest. Meanwhile, Democracts think fighting things in court is enough.

As a white woman Arquette makes more than EVERY demographic except Asian men and women and white men.