
So... what would be the UP TIME of this server?

@MacGoo: No hamsters, though...

@SteveUK: Not this exact trick, they used scrap metal and wood to sculpt planes, tanks and other weaponry.

@Almightywhacko: I think the case should also work as a Faraday cage, preventing interference caused by other devices, like mobile phones.

@sktaka22381: So you think that Gizmodo an Lifehacker would not cover the launch and explore the potential of the new and vastly improved version of the most popular browser if they weren’t paid for it?

The new IE only needs to keep its current share and it will be more than successful. I really doubt that many people will switch to it, however good it may be, but the point is that reasons for switching FROM IE are fewer and harder to see now.

The problem posed by the development of privately owned online communities, like Facebook, is in many ways similar to the one that was presented by the emergence of malls. They are both a cross between a public space and a privately owned one.

I live in Serbia and because Futurama has never been shown here the only way for me to watch it in the beginning was on pirated CDs sold on the street.

Nothing worse than a cargo cult design.

"Well, there's definitely got to be a reason it can flatten."

This is at least a year old...

@tselby: And since telling the date is also telling the time, only in larger units (days, months and years instead of just seconds minutes and hours) it still is a uni-tasker. ;)

@hbi2k: Only in this form...

A wristwatch!

@leaverus: "Launched on May 2, 2010, near Calico, CA, the Pacific Star I...

@ding-dang: Ravens (Corvus corax) are (a species of the genus) crows (Corvus). But you must be thinking of the american crow so... what twothefutureandbeyond said :)

Linux with a default search engine running on Microsoft's code?