I kid you knot, there’s a famous Canadian lit book from the 1970s about this topic, but it concerned consensual human-bear sex (if that’s possible). It even won the Governor General’s Literary Award, which is similar to the US’ Pulitzer. The book cover is quite the sight...
I believe it’s necessary to highlight that the topic of incest and its wide and long ranging effects are almost just as central to this TV show as is the ballet backdrop.
Is he a 100% sure that that was Michael Jackson making those prank calls and not someone else pretending to be Michael Jackson making prank calls? Because the latter possibility really sounds like something I would have done as a child.
I will always heart Grimes. Oblivion is what first got me into her.
I can't get over these quotes. How has this man not been duck taped and thrown into a black hole already?
Aw, I was hoping Justin would get on top of him to do the airplane again like in the original SNL skit. As a result, this meta parody clip is meh.
Unless you come from an indigenous group where your basic survival depends on animals where you use the fur for warmth (and eat the meat) like the Inuits, stop fucking wearing fur. There is no need. If you are that desperate and insecure and need to procure things for status and to be wealth indicative and just 'look…
I don't know why I'm even going to try to respond to that bigot, but Beyonce's 'Crazy in Love' was and is a big friggin song.
When you're not able to think of a legitimate criticism against Obama, it just makes you look like a pathetic, whiny, resentful child that is still upset that he didn't get to be president.
Not to mention, this movie cut across all age groups. I was ten when I saw this movie and fell in love and it became a thing among many of the girls in my elementary school. I bought it on VHS and watched it over and over again with friends. Lol, then in high school, a friend of mine was like 'oh and the book is good…
I really get the impression that she's just being facetious with the Jesus comment. Have people really been that offended by it? I mean, c'mon now. If we can't joke about our messiah complexes, then I don't want to live in this world.
The scene that got me the most from the original movie was the one with Marty taking pieces off his face in front of the bathroom mirror. Lesson: Don't pick at your face kids!
Donald, you of all people should be able to answer that: MONEY.
I find the accompanying chosen photo to this article hilarious. Hint, hint, Taylor. Go check that blood pressure.
Oooh, I loved cartoon-zed Jon Lovitz. I watched The Critic as a kid and probably missed out on half the jokes, just as I did with the beloved Jason Alexander's Duckman. Unlike most things I watched as a kid, I can actually still appreciate these two gems.
It must just be that filter that changes you into a character from The Sims.
What gets me with these idiotic feminism responses is that they seem to always seem to stem from the mouths of wealthy and white female celebrities. Journalists should just start asking the question in terms of: are you a feminist or do you believe you are a shit stain that should be politically/socially/economically…
Scott's expression to Kris' questionable Mexican heritage had me dying. Thanks for these.