Burton Radons

Well sure. As you can see, they are actually conjoined twins at the head. Really saves a lot on set trailers and chairs with their names printed on the back. You'd never noticed that there are no shots of Douglas from his right side, or how Close is usually carrying around what she claims is a birdcage under a blanket

Oh, is that what it was. I've always wondered why the end of the movie has strategically-placed foreground bowls of fruit (but just a banana and two oranges?) and clowns blowing up skinny balloons floating on the screen.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, potato sack phone!

Immigration increases GDP and increases living standards for nonimmigrants, you twit. Jesus Christ, is it that hard to Google "economic effects of immigration" and briefly peruse the decades of studies we've made on the subject? Or are you too busy being hard and impressed at how hard you are?

… decades later.

Weird that she's not trying to make herself look more attractive to you. Why wouldn't she do that? It must be her fault.

He went to England or something. I don't know, it's hard to tell the difference between watching The Annoying Orange and having a fever dream.

There's been a Grump Cat movie, an Annoying Orange movie (that iMDB doesn't even acknowledge exists but I'm pretty sure isn't the clip movie), and THREE Fred movies. Hollywood's panicked flailing to try to remain relevant knows no bounds.

You lovable scamp; you're rioting at a college level!

Ah shit, really? I guess I'll call off my plans to overthrow the United States government in order to ban an internet post. Truly your stated intent to jump on that grenade you invented will be remembered throughout history.

Oh ha ha I get it, she was raped on film and you made a joke. Ha ha!

Nope, that would be a huge improvement for Obiwan. And a more energetic character in the prequels might have helped tone down or remove Jar Jar. I'll heat up the time machine!

Well, you put the shot glass on your head, coordinate with your accomplice about where they should fire from and what the signal is, and then you hope the bullet doesn't actually come back at you when you shoot the "ricocheting surface" because yipes!

I saw that image and thought "Hey, neat, a revenge story with a woman as the lead. Doesn't usually happen outside of rape… oh. Of course."

I hope that they're both facing the same direction but one of them is, like, 180 degrees rotated, and those images are stacked. They're opposites, but they're also like two royals in a deck of cards, the same number either way, and also something about gambling! THE SYMBOLOGY!

'Hari meets a man “called Freud—I can’t remember his first name.” She attends a performance of The Rite Of Spring
“by an unknown Russian composer whose name I still cannot remember.”
She gets “a copy of this book once, called the Koran” about “some
prophet whose name I also can’t recall.”'

It had one back in 2003; it's called Monster, keeping with the trend of simplifying titles. After murdering a kind and completely innocent man, Aileen Wuornos realises she's the monster at the end of the movie.

It turns out you can completely ignore anything you don't want to know anything about. It's easy and 100% effective.

Whaddaya mean? It had Fatal Farm blowing apart hundreds of prosthetic penises and an adorable gender-swapped scene in the cocaine factory. The rest was pretty hit-and-miss but worth the try.