
The real shame is that teachers are not paid enough and are not allowed to teach because they spend their days as security officers, referees and social workers and it shows in the kids that graduate high school without any real knowledge about the world.

Awww. So sad for you.

Say what you like, it's still better than not having a job. People should realize that it's better to want what you have than it is to have what you want.

Same here and I’ve never yet pirated anything or stolen anything.

That’s a good thing. Stranger things sucks.

We use Amazon prime video because of all the other perks it has to, books, music, free 2 day or same day shipping, online storage, etc.

Why not just use the laptop or tablet or phone to stream the movie and use screen mirroring to see it on the TV?


We keep a few thousand dollars in a gun safe in the bedroom closet, mostly in gold coins but also some regular currency. After a half a term of Biden that’s enough for a week's  groceries and half a tank of gas.

If you are driving without your wallet you're probably also driving without your license and insurance and 50 bucks isn't going to help you. Go get your wallet.

It’s not for mass sale to the public with that installed. That is done after the sale.

What is you were rich and just wanted to give you friends a laugh when you pulled up for the Tuesday golf match?

You only got 7 vests and helmets but got the 8 seat option? I don’t want you planning the next mission with that kind of miscalculation.

Oh, it will. You might want to step up to a 4090 though with the big boys.

Have your wife stand by with a baseball bat to snack you in the head with if you crash. That'll increase your realism for you.

It’s about making the game fun for all instead of being an absolute simulator where less that 1% of players could actually get a race car to finish a race let alone win it on their first try.

You sure do get bent out of shape over words when your word choices are most often unsophisticated and pedestrian at best. Try looking past the words to the ideas and mindset that is being conveyed here. If there was a way to scrap the old data and get brand new more accurate data into the calculations in order to

Hahaha. It's terrible.

2023 looks incredible. That tire shows that they are working hard not just on tire physics but also rendering. Fantastic job on this. I’m still waiting for GT7 to figure out how to get 2 player spilt screen to function and allow car settings changes for both drivers.

Gas as is now 3.29 nationwide average.