He needs a leg to stand on, first.
He needs a leg to stand on, first.
Who the hell uses Palestine as a unit of measure? Pre-Israel Palestine? 1949 Palestine? 1967? 1973? 1992? Including Gaza or not? Settlements or not? All of Jerusalem, “East” Jerusalem, with or without land swaps?
Nice back-handed anti-semitic piece you just published there.
I think Hamilton Nolan just came.
Watching him Incheon the ground after tripping, trying to reach the ball, was heartbreaking.
In a ceremony in Pyongyang after the game, the goalie was given a medal for helping his team avoid a more difficult opponent in the next round, then immediately executed (along with his family) for letting such a meatball get past him.
The lack of effort has to be Seoul crushing.
A 2o-year-old Virginia woman died predictably ...
And people say evolution/natural selection aren’t real.
First, last year, I promised to support the Republican nominee. And I intend to keep my word
These spineless puppets.
I’m here to say that Steve Jobs wouldn’t have allowed the release of the jet black version if it wasn’t scratch resistant.
Nudity, maybe? It doesn’t look like she’s wearing a body suit or anything (admittedly haven’t watched the video).
Funny, I’ve had water resistant phones with a headphone jack. Actually washed it off in a sink after dropping it on the bathroom floor at a bar.
In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight
How many refugees have the Gulf states taken in? Oh yes, that’s right, zero.
These people are fleeing from POC. What is going on in Egypt, Syria et al that is causing them to leave? Why is there no response from Saudi Arabia, which could easily fund any effort needed to rescue refugees like this?
“Most of the survivors are believed to be Egyptian.” Egypt is not a war zone. Egypt doesn’t even bother to take its fellow Muslim “refugees” in, or open its Gazan border to its fellow Muslim Palestinians. Egypt sucks billions of dollars a year in foreign aid from civilized countries while it burns churches in…
CNN has an article on the difference between migrants and refugees, which includes a definition from the 1951 Refugee Convention.