
Maybe, I as a non programmer am missing something, but how hard was it to screw up 4 games that were already programmed and completed.

All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.

Even if all these women were somehow "mistaken," you would hope that Columbia would think that this guy is, at the minimum, a shitty individual who has questionable behavior around women, and maybe isn't somebody they want on their campus.

If three different women accuse a man of rape, shouldn't the "where-there's-smoke,-there's-fire" alarm bell go off?

What kind of life experiences does a woman have to have in order to turn into the kind of person who says "oh yea, every one of those women are just making it all up"?

Lol at a white men talking about "race wars"

yup. Cops never lie and lawyers are free. Probably don't have work on those court days either. Especially if you fight the charge, you won't needlessly have your day in court delayed in hopes that you'll give up or be unable to fight it (due to wanting to keep that job that completely understands why you cannot work

First league investigation of improperly deflated balls that didn't involve PED use.

Done buying Season Passes, but I'll grab some of the DLC if it seems any good. Far Cry 4 is my 2014 GOTY hands down.

From the rate the truck on the left closes the one on the right, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. Easily could have been setting up a pass.

I don't know. I dislike the red light camera's as much as the next Jalop, but I think they have their uses.

What is the solution then? Almost every light I stop at has people running the red as it turns. This will only get worse as doing so becomes the norm. Not trying to be a wiseguy, just interested if the traffic engineers have any thoughts.

Everyone who's ever gone through a yellow light, like a normal person, only for it to turn red just as you exit the intersection and then you see a giant flash pop up so you instinctively slam on the brakes in the desperate hope that you won't get a ticket, knows that this system just doesn't work. And now there's

Around here there is a solid white line on multi-lane roads in place of the dashed line. The length of the solid white is supposed to be the 'safe zone' to get through a yellow light without speeding up. If you are inside the solid white and the light turns yellow, continue. If you are outside the solid white you

Alright, I'm not a fan of red light cameras, either, but shouldn't some of the blame be put on the panicky assholes that slam on the brakes or the assholes following too close and rear ending them?

My understanding has been that both red light and speed cameras do work. With cameras at intersections I would expect that surge in accidents to decline once people are aware of their presence. Of course, I would also expect that towns would be smart enough to post warning signs a good distance from the intersection.

The length of the yellow period ought to be set by a simple mathematical calculation based on the speed limit. I've only heard of very rare cases where it isn't.

Everyone who's ever gone through a yellow light, like a normal person, only for it to turn red just as you exit the intersection and then you see a giant flash pop up so you instinctively slam on the brakes in the desperate hope that you won't get a ticket, knows that this system just doesn't work. And now there's

There seems to be two contributing causes for these rear end accidents.

Dont be so daft. The theme of the this game is exploring the unknown. Why would the marketing team undermine the very principle of the game? I for one am tired of games being picked apart atom by atom before they are released.

Give me the whimsy and wonder I used to have when I would pop a NES game into my console