
At some point you just have to understand that the remaining Republicans are sociopaths. They commit voter fraud while claiming the other side is doing it. They’re comfortable in their hypocrisy, because they know they’re lying.

Republicans are so full of shit that they have literally been citing their OWN voter fraud as reasons why they should pass all their voter restrictions.

See, Republicans WERE right. There was voter fraud!

I’ve said it on a different site and I’ll say it again here:

I’m OK if you replace “speak” with “breathe” there.  I feel bad about wishing someone would have a fatal accident, but it is an undeniable fact that the world would be a better place without Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

MTG's involvement in the Insurrection needs to be investigated in a very public manner.

When AOC made the reference to being a former bartender who is familiar with throwing people like Greene out of bars I kind of laughed because the bars I went to in NYC if you acting like her you wouldn’t just get bounced, you’d get bounced very hard against the sidewalk. And then picked up and bounced again. 

The fact that this video happened in 2019 points to a truth that I doubt people grasp: this situation won’t get any better. Greene will become increasingly unhinged and will eventually become violent. It’s almost inevitable. The only question is when, where, and how.

The day I wake up and read the news that this idiot accidentally shot herself in the neck while cleaning a loaded gun and has permanently lost the ability to speak will be a good day.

Don’t attribute bigotry, entitlement and hatred to “mental unwellness”. 

She’s that asshole who tries to start shit and the second she gets popped in the mouth she goes crying to the teacher

MTG is a qunt...

Greene is the tip of an iceberg of mental unwellness called Republicanism.

The fact that they’re outright lying is so fucking evil. That dude knows exactly what happened. This isn’t politics anymore.

I wouldn’t hold your breath, the political system still prioritizes ciswhite men to such a ridiculous degree that it will protect you for generations to come.

Would love to be on the other end of the line when this guy calls 911 when someone gives him a beatdown.

I vehemently disagree.  MORE black people should join the force.  The system needs to change from inside and that’s not going to happen if minorities refuse to engage in the system.  It’s a numbers game.  Cultures don’t change without influence.  Maybe if enough black people enter the force those racists will no

I totally understand why so many white people will fight to the death to protect white privilege. Apparently all you have to do is show up and you get showered with opportunities.

Remember the interview with Jim Bob and Michelle?

Whenever I see and read stories about all these various “Family values” and hardcore conservatives who are seemingly ok with child molestation and pedophilia and all this abuse, always willing to treat it with the lightest of touches and doing everything they can to cover it up or brush it away....it just makes me