
What the fuck?! Like seriously what the fuck?! I don’t give a shit if that’s the godmother to the child or the child is the same race as the teacher or any possible close relation, if my “friend” pulled some shit like that they’d catch these hands because only person who would be able to put their hands on my child is

This has everything to do with brainwashed Black Christians who believe is prosperity theology and has nothing to do with the state. I don’t understand how some of y’all are so stuck up.

oh, goodness. This could have gone all types of bad, especially if the property owner decided to pop the trunk (e.g., that nitwit married couple from St. Louis last year), or if any of the police who showed up decided that people in tuxes and gowns were obvious bloods and crips.

Florida Man doesn’t see color.

Some of the cities are significantly less insane than the rest of the state. I’m in Orlando, and it’s like every other small city, just hot. Tampa and Lakeland are both like that too. St. Augustine is one of my favorite towns I’ve ever been to.

After reading the couple’s names and before clicking the article where they were pictured, I thought poor Mr. Finkel had to deal with TWO bridezillas.

Certainly not with that defeatist attitude!

...an 800 foot bar? O_o

I have a friend ...

I was gonna argue with you, but my dad’s name is Courtney...

Brothers named Courtney be different.

[God] also said that he would never give anyone permission to trespass

I have a dream, that some day, crazy Christian Black folks will be as crazy as crazy Christian white folks with a sense of entitlement and delusions of inside knowledge of God’s plan, which of course includes God’s intention for them to be treated like a VIP by the universe.”

LOL I don’t disagree with the assertion, but this smacks much more of the arrogance of evangelicals, not race. “You’re SERIOUSLY going to dispute the word of God??? Enjoy hell, heathen.” It’s a variation of the same bullshit card that Matt Gaetz is going to play in a week or so as justification for not resigning from

LOL yeah come down to Florida where the people are so fucking stupid they happily put the 20% of the population who are senior citizens at higher risk of Covid-19 because “you’re not the boss of them”. (Interestingly, I just came from Florida and the local businesses are pretty strict with masks in spite of their

I thought this was gonna be another airBnB gone wrong thing, with people having rented the property from a scam artist -which was a big thing in Florida at one point, but this is so much worse. Yet, somehow, so much more Florida.

Now playing


Who would’ve guessed that the Florida Man Society was more pro-equality than Florida at large?

See white folks, crazy and stupid comes in all colors. The Root brings it all to you. 

I cannot imagine the unearned confidence it takes to think that would have worked out in any way.