
i like that this went from "don't be racist" to being enforced for (possibly? probably) racist reasons.

Ok now. Stop showing off.

Two people? How about "so many people everyone lost count"?

Damn, and the dog is even black. :(

This is some kind of metaphor for the GOP's attitude towards the poor, I'm 95% sure of it

Unless it was necessary

-sips Lipton-

If you ever want to hear, in detail, about how gay men have sex with each other, talk to a homophobe.

Amy stood up for herself and the spot was canceled... Wonder why the ladies got paid less...

Wow. Congratulations, Today Show, for being jerks to one of the nicest people in Hollywood.

Shepherds pie with beef instead of lamb is just called cottage pie.

and that while as a society we "allow kids to be kids" that this same kind of tolerance isn't extended to adults.

I mean, do you honestly need some kind of qualifier about this? Are you stupid? Or just really, really proud of your lactose intolerance?

My parents are fuckups too. This is not an excuse.

I had a good friend from college tell me that she thinks we have access to too much information these days, and then said (I wish I were kidding, I used to be quite close with her) "Like with Bill Cosby. Why do we need to know about what happened twenty years ago? It just makes everyone upset."

Because science!

Oh boy, we get to play another round of "how many women must say one thing before sexist dickweeds all over the Internet believe them over one man saying the opposite?" I don't even remember what number we're up to.

We've reached the point where BC rape accusations are just becoming a part of the everyday national discourse. "Well, Bob, it's 45 and clear out with gusty winds from the Southwest, and 2 more women have come forward against Bill Cosby."

*veeeeerrrrrry quietly tries to usher the emus out of the church*