
Not embarrassed about who it was, per se; posh pretty-boy friend of a friend who was in town for a Christmas party, which just happened to be in my dorm. I was 18 and very sick of a being a virgin, plus I'm lazy and he was already like 20 sec from my room.

St. Andrews admits a huge number of Americans- it's piss-easy for Americans to get in, even though it's a fairly prestigious university in Britain and British students actually have to work hard. So rich kids who want an ~international experience~ and a good diploma but are lazy at high school FLOCK there.

Having just read the Uber harassment story: THIS guy gets to be a normal taxi driver, and no one's making a fuss about that???

I'm seriously sick of the amount of Uber hate that's out there. If there were concrete evidence that Uber drivers rape and harass women at a higher rate than regular cab drivers, then fuck Uber, let's shut them down. However, I've seen no evidence to that effect. Just individual stories that seem hell-bent on branding

It's not victim-blaming if the person is only a victim of being blamed of something. That's not how that works.

It's been a while since I read Fast Food Nation, but wasn't the whole reason fast food moved away from fresh grilling burgers E. Coli, deaths, and desire to avoid repeating that particular bit of history?

Yeah I hope that guy is reading this. I'd read a book written by him. On any topic.

Thank you a lot for your reply, it's already helpful just to hear someone validate that I'm not being overly demanding by...wanting to sleep.

If you're putting underpants on your tits you're doing it wrong.

Guyz, I'm having a flatmate dispute and I need some help settling it.

I left a similar comment on the Gawker post about this, where people were having a blast making jokes. Anyone who thinks chlorine gas is funny hasn't studied WWI enough.

Awfully, um, phallic...

It's amazing what people will accept when they're primed for it. Sort of like what Noam Chomsky calls 'manufacturing consent'. When the options presented to the American public are "zero social provisions" or "minimal, maybe keep you from starving social provisions", anything beyond that looks like scary scary

Surely 'Selfie' is *not* what Karen Gillan is best known for, even if she hasn't been Amy Pond for a while.

Saw Fatima al-Qadiri live a few monts back, one of the worst DJ sets I've ever seen. Really weak, repetitive, with no build, and she repeatedly had to stop because of technical problems. (None of the other 5 DJs that night had any trouble, before or after her, so definitely got the impression she was just incompetent.)

When I tried to type "Jameis" on my iPhone, it autocorrected to "shame is". Seems about right.

Except...in Huck Finn the n-word is historically realistic, and it's used by racist characters who the book condemns for their racism. So editing it out is stupid.

Whoa chill- nothing in the article was in the slightest belittling to the plight of BF employees...

Uh huh conservatives, way to call out those horrible woman-hating Democrats and the lame-stream media. We ladies know to trust Republicans as the woman-friendly party!

Great show of support, Jill Scott, telling rape victims what to do. What a stunningly tone-deaf defense- she's going to be very, very embarrassed about supporting Cosby in the future.