
I believe you meant “rapist wit”.

That’s the SABR - Sneak Attack by Roger (no I’m not joking). Nobody else does it - he starts coming in as the serve is hit and somehow manages to return it practically right off the ground. I’m not sure he actually meant for this to be a perfect drop shot cause it looks like he apologizes at the end, but it’s

You’re fucking stupid :)

You’re fucking stupid :)

Yeah, you really got him good.


I’ve tried having handballs turned on. It just results in the game giving itself (and very occasionally you) absolute garbage penalties at crucial times.

Probably because the fat down there has overwhelmed his junk and turned it into, for lack of a better (and less mean-sounding) term, an innie.

Or kill yourself, if you prefer.


This is garbage talk. N Sync is wannabe poseur trash. BSB yo.

I wasn’t sure I’d be there, but I was, and it hit me hard. I didn’t expect everyone to log off at the same time, and the image was striking. And now I’m in a mood. :(

No one liners here. You can’t make this better.

Where the hell do you work? Sounds extremely inappropriate (him, not you).

God dammit - thank you so much. I feel like I’ve spent my whole life in a world of Triscuit lovers, and I just cannot understand it. They are borderline inedible, and I mean that in a literal sense - they’re THIS CLOSE to not being actual food. It’s fucking offensive.

This accomplishes nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can’t want people to fight with you, then declare that their efforts don’t satisfy you because you don’t trust them. Your attitude fucking sucks.

Whatever, eat shit. Trump supporters are all bigots whether they know it or not.

Oh fuck right off, bigot.
