
So...this is why the Giants suck? Not JPP, the idiot who caused all this? OK.

Yeah, not concerned. PS. This article sounds like it was written by a rabid Blue Jays fan.

Drake absolutely sucks, so I’m gonna go ahead and challenge your assertion that he gets to be Joe Carter in this situation. No. He can use the picture all he wants, but he’s still Drake. He still loses.

....because it tastes bad? Like, really really bad? That’s my reason, anyway.

Shit is nasty.

Are you me?

Long live MVP Baseball 2005 and everything about it. I hate EA so much, but god damn they nailed that shit and losing the license was so so painful.

They had absolutely no business winning the tournament. Period. Why the fuck should I care how they played in the final?

Yeah, guys don’t make that mistake. Ever. He was a perv.

...in public? That’s fucked up. Change yourself.

Awwww, so bitter. Don’t cry.

Except at this point he’s finally right. I think I’m done.

One way to think of it: when someone asks you if you’re athletic, what do you think of before you answer? Has anyone ever answered yes to that question because they play video games? Come on.

Dude, let it go. They wanna think of themselves as athletes for playing games, so just let them. Sensible people agree with you.

Holy shit...who are you? A travesty of justice? What in the actual fuck is going on?

Why do people (AKA you) care so much about this? Whether Favre went down or not, Strahan would’ve gotten him. Don’t be bitter.

Man, sick burn. You’re right, everyone else is wrong.

You sound like a fucking treasure. Do the rest of us a favor and spend the rest of your life on Twitter. Thanks.

I can’t believe people fell for this. You’re a douche for trolling on this one, but you pulled it off.

You really are the worst. MLS may suck, but at least they know what a bicycle kick is. Also, when are you gonna eat crow about the USWNT? Just be quiet from now on.