That ship sailed once BW were drummed out of depictions in their people’s music and videos by BM.
Here we go.
They could’ve sliced and diced it by having pre-sale prices in Black spaces.
That pesky phenotype doesn’t get her the exoticalness she clearly craves.
I was avoiding clicking on stories about this. Glad to hear he has a donor.
I mean....
I’m gritting my teeth into a headache. You should skip it.
Not the “community”. The men that are left. Men fear men. Men stop men.
Actually. One of the reasons why this happens is lack of fear of a father. Either the father isn’t around, or is too afraid of law enforcment to rescue his child.
May they come across a real one and not “make it home that night” (tm).
Love that he’s hugging his stepsoninlaw.
This moves me in way that demon Mark Morrison could never.
What in the gaslighting?
A ton of women don’t want kids. They want baby showers. They want validation. They want to keep a man or lord it over her rival.
I don’t believe she was playing chicken. She was angry and wanted to hurt them.
Nobody cares about your god.