burnthismuthadown needs a burner key hand tattoo

The Lady of Rage.

Now playing

allow us to investigate any credible allegation that financial interests or other interests are driving decision-making of the President or anyone in the administration

Restore the floor.

I’ll see that with one month salary.

I’m glad your mother was conscious of your status. Likely because she actually had to try and obtain it.

Bieber had legal trouble and his empire was enough to make his immigration issues disappear.

Best noted that Poblocki had been “disciplined and counseled” on his professionalism “repeatedly.”

Golden State took a lot of them.

Plagued by mediocre performances from the half of Outkast that no one wants to see,

Don’t get us wrong: we’re all for multicultural beauty. But for Bronner Bros. to affiliate themselves with Dolezal feels about as thirsty as she generally is.

I have a frizzy corpse of a twist out.

wet your skin, apply GB, apply oil on time.

Paper bags are no joke.  I used to keep lotion by the register.

Below freezing and DC makes them go to shelters.

It was class, not race that made them do this....

I’m not an Xbox.

He looks like Ethan Mars from Heavy Rain.

What it was and what it now is are two different things.

As always, Serena pushes it forward.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.  I remember Dr. Lindsay.