burnthismuthadown needs a burner key hand tattoo

That’s not how self-defense works in our system, nor do I think there’s a rational argument that it can work like that under any system. Just call it what it is: “We get to kill people who aren’t like us.” It’s all fine and well for other cultures to have their own rules, laws, and customs, but that doesn’t mean we

Black people are hypervisible. There is a tremendous cost to that and very incremental gains.

She literally all lives mattered it. Gina HATES it when BW get any shine.

Walk the Google streets.  Gina has a history of disparaging BW.  She is getting this for a reason.

I’m truly thankful that Ben E. King is dead.  It is a most tender mercy that he was not exposed to this.


POC weren’t killed.  Black people were.  Because they were Black.



10 years is too generous. Em has already been called the greatest lyricist.

lol that tag!!!

I went through a lot of self-doubt and confusion yesterday. I don’t know what’s real anymore. Did I ever hear anything beyond “drzh” in that line?

He doesn’t live in the burbs, but a rich part of the city.

Ummm you DO realize Maxine Waters had a bomb en route and has already had death threats?

What is an unacceptable level of Black death for you?

Don’t you ever get tired of being afraid? I refuse to live in fear of them without payback.

Could also be a false flag.

Jim Crow was far worse than Tucker Fucking Carlson and the Civil Rights Movement took it on without resorting to going to people’s homes. It kinda worked out well for us, overall, I think.

Sometimes I wonder if the “don’t be like them” crew is just really the other side but lite.  They are QUICK to throw up peace signs once the targets get a spine.

Fear and violence got this country into being.