burnthismuthadown needs a burner key hand tattoo

Somebody once complained to me about having to dial 1 for English.

He refers to him setting up a murder of his ex and their child as “the incident”.

Right on.  I hope the cunt got an eye infection.

historically Latino folks have gotten a pass saying it since this country historically treats them like “niggas” as well. Inhip-hop, Mexicans from Cali, and Cubans, Dominicans and Puerto Ricans from NYC have always used it.

Nah. Instead of doing the hard work and being proud, some of y’all bent down to others’ belief that you are inferior.

Fucking fake ass NY negroes allowed that shit to happen for Spanish poon. They like to play like they’re hard but they stay getting punked by others up there.

BOOM. That’s all it comes down to.

And they always live in fucking California.

It works for football etc.


I was on 495 N going from AX to Tyson’s. A lady drove from the left side 66 on ramp straight across to the exit on the other side.

You must be a MD driver.

The biggest FUCK goes to the young and indolent who are not registered or are not voting.

This thread is brutal.

SC blogger referred to him as Huckleberry Butchmeup.

The dudes definitely would, the ladies...not so much.

I think the fundamental problem here is that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t really understand race and doesn’t understand what appeals to Trump Republicans. She is like a lot of Republicans turned economic leftist - she’s clueless on culture war issues.


I’mma go there.

I worked in a Cosmetic Center in the mid 90s. This store mostly patronized by white women. The New Release section would be filled with empty packages and torn seals at the end of each day.