burnthismuthadown wants Tokers Town feathers

This kind of sickness has a source.

I used to think studies like these really did have a point because it is important to be able to point to actual quantifiable evidence to back up your own observations. Then I realized that 90% of the people on the other side of these issues don’t believe in the existence facts.

They really got to stop with that “hard work” BS. People who perpetually show up 15 minutes late for work shouldn’t be telling anyone about working harder. Anyone who is struggling in a single-wide because they spent the rent money on a new stock for their 30-06, a new sig sauer and bone collector vinyl wrap for their

I know it seems like a waste, but the Center for Studying Really Obvious Shit does important work.

They know they’re outdated and being left behind. The days of the frontier and Leave It To Beaver are over. The future is based on education and intellectualism and multiculturalism and technology and these people haven’t adapted to it. I’d feel sorry for them except they’re taking their fears and insecurities out on

Michael went and made too much sense with this article. He didn’t even troll them. He brought actual facts to the argument.

I wonder how much money they spent on that, instead of just paying a middle-aged white guy $100 to go into literally any gun store a few times and strike up a conversation? They’d have just told him.

You eyeballin’ my penny?

As we would say when I was a kid, No Shit, Sherlock.: Another case of science confirming what anyone with two eyes and a set of functioning brain cells has seen.

They were struggling financially: 

we dont need no water, let the motherfucker burn.

Eh, just let the meth claim her.

Can we just set this broad on fire and be done with it?

Forgive me, I’m not as smart as most people on here so I’m going to do my best to express myself, but you know what’s really shitty? The way curriculum is designed. For instance, in Texas, we have TEKS that are what the state says my students will be tested on. Who comes up with these TEKS? Cuz I’ll tell you, they’re

For what? For suggesting the left needs to step up their game in the light of rights insidiousness?

While I am not an advocate for homeschooling, I do encourage you to have frequent, age appropriate conversations with your child about this and many other topics. Trust me, you’re going to find the public schools teaching all manner of things to your child that you don’t approve of.

I’ve got relatives with school-age children who are walking out today. I’m all for it, but on top of visual narratives, I just don’t see people like George Soros or Bill Gates making moves in the background like the Kochs. Makes me wonder how much they really care about these agendas.

While the Left is out protesting, the right is doing this shit! Is there any wonder things never change?

sometimes people just need their ass beat