burnthismuthadown wants Tokers Town feathers

Is there really anything more mercenary than undercutting her and profiting on it?

Bottom line is that those charged that were in the car, from that mother to the driver herself, are only guilty of being poor and those violations may as well be lumped in to a charge of Being Too Poor To Function. That woman lost her baby, the pain and heartbreak she’s going through will be immeasurable and

When I saw this the first time around on Monday, I only had one sentiment:

long overdue...and for those that think we can’t or haven’t before....

Never. We began the series with that quote and linked to it here.

Never forget:

BTW, is this the same David French who was recruited to run for president in 2016 as a “responsible” alternative Trump? That Daivd French?

Richard was the first to put together that connection between those Southern Republicans and the Russians and the NRA and DJT Jr, too. It’s ... going to be interesting.

Things are being done. For one, the mayor just booted the police commissioner a month ago. A bunch of cops just went to prison for shaking folks down, filing fraudulent overtime, taking drugs and money and shit and getting those drugs sold back onto the street. Cops from a top commander to an officer who was shot and

I remember when Richard Engle did a deep nose dive into this mess. The anal probing into this maggot’s financial shenanigans are going to be SO entertaining. I can’t wait.

Also some more background on the Keystone Crime Family and their HenchThugs, because these people are RIDICULOUS:

Bookmarking this for all of the “greys” who seem to pop up frequently and fake-ask “If black lives matter, what about black people killing other black people blah blah blah.?” Marches like this occur in all major cities, if they bothered to do a quick Google search.

To be honest, especially after the very real police scandal here, I’m tired of references to The Wire. For all the characters and stories cribbed from reporter’s notebooks, The Wire was a television show. Baltimore is a real place. Referencing Carcetti or Omar or McNulty trivializes the city’s real people and real

That’s an overly simplistic way of looking at it. Kurt Schmoke, who is black, was ahead of his time in approaching drug abuse as a public health issue, but Martin O’Malley did a whole lot of damage with the zero tolerance police practices pursued while he was mayor. No mayor could have done anything to make the long

Only concern I have around that is that Black Lives Matter has already been declared a terrorist group, and all they carry are mostly signs, hoodies, and hope for a better future.

Danny Trejo gave an interview to The Daily Beast about a documentary he’s involved in regarding the mass incarceration in this country and said a very similar thing: (I’m paraphrasing here) Arm every 18 year old of color with a gun & see how fast the NRA & the gun lobby backs right the hell off.

“Not being a gun owner, does this community include black people? “

That is STILL the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen a father do in public to a daughter.

Look how fast she pulled off when he went for her waist. That’s a trained, muscle memory reaction. Probably has happened thousands of times. She just didn’t want it to happen there, in front of all those cameras.