burnthismuthadown wants Tokers Town feathers

The Black bourgeoisie keeps those schools going. If they’re poisonous and dreadful, you’d probably be more comfortable in a PWI.

I think it’s column A and a lot of your column B.

He banked on it being Black-on-Black crime (tm).

THANK YOU. There is something really off about this to me. I can’t see someone shooting the oddjobs kid. What’s really going on with the shooter?

That’s a different story. I have a vagina. If you’re in my home without permission, you don’t want my TV. You’d take that while I was at work.

This shit is why I yawned when the travel ban came down. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

btw, all this is a kinder way of saying what chris rock said blunty about there being a black person and the N-word.


She should be in a band.

Congratulations. I’m glad you two are good.

That is the origin of many a “Union” County. NC was the last to secede for a reason. The Eastern/Tidewater tobacco planters wanted to leave, the mountains...not so much.

Shame this hateful heffa doesn’t love her kids as much as she loves yt’s sky daddy. While I love levity as much as the next person, we wouldn’t be making jokes if another tazed him. Tasers CAN kill.

Perhaps it’s her fault that they seem to have legal problems. They do come from an abusive home. It seems to me that they need more protection to be more “angelic”.

The fake victim was already filming by the time she was struck. At 1:40 am, I’m sure she was just goading these people into a fight.

Listen to today’s Morning Edition. They completely elide what the Smith family/Sinclair is. You have knowledge. Please contact Inskeeep or whoever and hold them accountable.

That new source of suckers is a significant block of the American people. There are 50 states. This country is in dire straits because it is teeming with racist, venal, idiots.

Love her!!! Even as a kid, I knew the motivations behind the propping up of that “other” one.

Too many of us are DESPERATE for white validation. It ain’t just the GOP types either.

Thank you. I truly despise that “cookout” concept.

No, she does not. And is that a Herp sore on that pic up top?