
Hamilton is so over. It’s like for the tour bus crowd now. Why would I go see the Beatles tribute band?


Idk. It’s kind of like a surrogate/adoption situation. The youngest kid is the most perplexing bc he looks nothing like Debbie or Arnie.

I don’t think the dermatologist is her dad. The older brother is likely his son, though.

To be fair, she is telling the truth. The other 3 pretty much stick to their genres. She’s not the most talented of the group but she’s the best chameleon.

I would just substitute some local lean in type organization if I wasn’t in NYC.

I *think* this thing is doa bc if you don’t have AARP approval, you’re fucked. You can’t win without senior citizens.

I really miss dinner for five. I’m trying to figure out what brand everyone is smoking. Farrell looks like Marlboro reds, Smith is maybe Marlboro ultra lights but is Ben smoking Kools? I see green on the box.

The problem with adult abuse is that if they say life is ok, then it’s ok. There has to be life threatening situations or mental incompetence. Otherwise, it’s your right to be used.

His true fans don’t care. Besides, he’s not in the best shape to begin with when you think of trainers. It’s the bedside manner that makes his weight irrelevant.

Even Pat Manochia (sp?) said that Richard was way better than the biggest loser type mentality. Iirc, he felt like he was the best guy ever to deal with morbid obesity and that this idea of losing 100 lbs in 3 months is immoral and likely deadly.

It only seems strange bc he appeared to get a lot of joy from helping overweight people.

Christine Prody told the enquirer (while they were broken up) that he admitted everything to her.

I can see him getting paid by MRA type groups.

Can the Brown family forgive their portion? I have only seen Goldman really fighting for justice and I could see the Browns forfeiting their share for the sake of the kids. If that happens, he could probably satisfy the 50%.

Oh no! He was my fantasy husband.

I’m not into him and almost skipped the show bc he’s my mom’s favorite and her taste sucks but I found him cooler than expected. Fwiw, the show is great Broadway.

Yeah, except he’s on Broadway and he’s actually a really cool person. I hated him until The Great Comet

My friend came from Kenya as a toddler and his parents are college professors. Idk why he didn’t become a citizen. When he was 25, he was caught with lsd. Within 6 months, he was sent to Kenya. It’s been 15 years and he’s technically ok but damn. They don’t care if you don’t know anything about the country, they put

I feel sorry for people who don’t know when to use who and not that.