
I’ve personally never understood the phenomena of people that are too stupid to understand that there are different body types and shapes and fat can be distributed fat in myriad ways, as evidenced by say...looking at people around you. But that’s just me!

Exactly. The message is always this: you are a fat disgusting pig because you are so incredibly lazy, but if you dare to do any kind of physical activity in public you are subjected to the same ridicule or scorn. But mostly just over the internet because these pussies wouldn’t actually go up to someone and say this

Taro chips though...yum

Honestly its been so long since I’ve had tempura vegetables I wouldn’t even know...but I do know that okra is disgusting.

Somehow I missed the end where you said you enjoyed the sawdust...I don’t know what those little purple and white things are either

My short legged, long torso body says NO!

So basically what you are saying is that there are only 4 tempura vegetables worthy of eating?

The Spice song is better...but Lady Saw she ain’t

I will cry for days if that ever happens. Thats what has always been great about reggae (though perhaps less so in recent years), that musicians have respected their fans and care about their reputation in Jamaica and what their real fans think, and not so much about changing their music to appeal to the global

Now playing

I nominate Miniskirt by Braids...great beats (starts slow,give it a minute), GREAT lyrics, awesome vocals...I SEE NO WRONG. except that its not more popular than it should be.


although I am fully on board with ‘Girl You Don’t Need Makeup’, its been in my head all week.

The description of Trap Queen had me intrigued...then I just played it (well, parts of it) and whaaat? I know taste in music is subjective but...that was boring as shit. I miss old fun dancehall. AND WHEN WILL AUTOTUNE DIE ALREADY. Autotune has really ruined pretty much all newer dancehall for me. Its just soo

I almost always pay in cash when eating out, and always tip in cash.

I don’t do well with Lane Bryant jeans typically, the size that fits in the store is too big when I get home, which sucks because I live in Canada (I don’t buy online). I guess I am supposed to buy the size that is too small when I try them on in the store. But I have found some NYDJeans (I also hate the name...no

I was almost with you, up until the part about him possibly influencing this particular project. Tyler Perry would just ruin it. Allen Hughes is a great choice.

He's a producer on Girls, and one of Lena Dunham's biggest supporters, one of the only big Hollywood people calling out Bill Cosby...so how do you figure he doesn't like women? I'm not a huge fan of his stuff generally but he comes across as very pro-woman/feminist.

that's disgusting.

and his kitchen is perfect

Did you watch The Wire? Stringer Bell is pretty darn suave.