
He wants to learn why all of his failed relationships ended?”

Total music nerd here and I agree that women can be as list-obsessed and elitist as the men, and I loved the movie too. But so far I’m not loving the new series because it just feels contrived and inauthentic in ways the book and the movie never did. For all their faults and misogyny, they’re still great and they have

“You only moved the headstones!”

For those that know, this is COTD.

I can smell these pictures.

I’m also a snowball fan, because those small wins really get me pumped to keep going. 

She didn’t invent anti-vaxxers, but she gave them a giant bullhorn through which to spew their stupid, deadly ignorance.

To be fair...this is Cardi B. 

Real estate agents know what buzzwords to use to attract people with no taste and lots of money. They could never have sold that house to anyone who actually knew what they were buying

This. Plus there’s no standard layout. I love sitting in a new car and wondering how do I shift? Will it be buttons, a knob, a mouse wheel of some sort? “Ok Google, shift into low”?

Nope. The new guy’s an accountant.

A car that us and our children can’t ride comfortably in!

By ‘pull the trigger’ I hope you mean shooting it in its engine block.

I bet we are spending that increased tax revenue wisely on education and infrastructure. 

Audi for 9 k

Actually the dollar is strong right now. " Huge, great, the best ever, the economy is amazing"


She looks like a Karen/Heather even when smiling she has a serious case of RBF. As for her concern over the band, well that’s highly dubious. 

May god be on her side.