
No sensible woman would fuck me anyway so I’m eating all the pizza.

I think she’s rad as hell. I haven’t seen or nor will I watch her page, but she’s got great energy and did shit to that car I wouldn’t know the first thing about.

As an owner of a Fiesta with said transmission fuckery, I will NEVER buy another Ford again. Its going back in for service soon and the vultures are going to want me to trade it in (Class Action and all) and there’s no fucking way I’d do that. One, its paid off and two, unless they will give me like $15k trade there’s

I just came here to say we are all fucked.

I love you

This sounds terrible but in a way yes. Then I want to watch them all explain it away as she’s voted out of office in spectacular fashion.

I’m convinced whatever-god-you-covet is giving us our Darwin moment.

I can get behind this. But maybe not too close

I’d like to think all this will end the current Capitalist way of doing business but it won’t (Barrons has a good article on this). I think us, the working need to zoom out and be thinking about savings, debt reduction and less on $1100 phones (and for me personally records).

My day is now complete

Hoonery Bafoonery

All money. No taste.

You are correct. But he’s the lesser of 2 very HUGE evils.

I would buy one. But then my masculinity and sense of self isn’t derived from the vehicle I drive. 

Yes, we are saving ours as we feel its best NOT to need unemployment in the long term. I might buy a couple board games and some itunes movies but 95% stays in savings.

That IRS portal will be hacking in 15 minutes tops. Bank it

I’m a little surprised top end brands are declining. I also view audiophile forums and those guys who clearly are better than the rest of us are buying $20k amplifiers to enjoy during the pandemic. I figured the republicans would still be buying republican things (grenade launchers, gold toilets, Aston Martins, etal).


Using “just the flu” as a diversion