I had the same Jetta and a MKV GTI and both were amazing cars for me. My Ford Fiesta is another story. 62k on the clock and have gone through:
I had the same Jetta and a MKV GTI and both were amazing cars for me. My Ford Fiesta is another story. 62k on the clock and have gone through:
Trump’s new hero
I concur
If I were you , that kid would have a terrible “accident” by being shot in the face or something.
Its too bad neither died. I hope they are fucking bankrupt and homeless from now on.
When I first moved to AZ in 1981 we stayed in a hotel directly across the street from this place (7th ave or 7th street - I can never remember). Anyway, as New Yorkers, yes the pizza was the suck but it was fun and we went every Friday night for years.
How about another way to feel like a man.
Tough talk.
Yeah, because its totally that easy. What horse shit
I love God, but I hope Kanye and all republicans die in a fire.
Yes especially when adding some rat poison to ones pasta.
The fine should equal what she paid to get her dim kid into that school/
I have no idea what you are referring to. Maybe learn to read?
We didn’t end up together but I still love her...
Fucking hell. If you are older than 11, please put some fucking punctuation in that giant sentence.
I fucking hate myself so no. and that I can’t get a date to save my life means 10/10 women agree I’m fucking disgusting.
Could be worse (Phoenix)
Waiting in line for diarrhea is amazing. Only in America.
The Suns are shit. And yes they kill everyone whose associated with them. I give it 2 more seasons MAX before Booker wants out.
China’s power is Trump’s jerk porn.