
Amen. Marriage fucking blows. I’m convinced its for the weak and insecure (except that I am weak and insecure AND divorced - so what the fuck do I know).

I can beat that. Ford Fiesta.

The team is garbage and everyone should be fired. Fuck this team wholeheartedly.

Thank you!

Like Glendale itself, the Cardinals are a cardboard façade dropped in the center of a T-fal skillet to give off the veneer of civilization, but with no substance of any kind lurking inside it.

The Suns are the Suns. I mean, I know rich guys buy sports teams to show how big their financial dick is, but the league should make a point to move teams owned by people who don’t care about winning.

You aren’t wrong necessarily. She’s pretty self sufficient in that I don’t have to dress her or help her with “normal” stuff (bathing/cooking/laundry/etc). She wakes to an alarm, goes to work (part time - but she rocks at her job which I am super impressed with) and occasionally hangs out with friends (who are super

The thing is, he had a vision of what he wanted to do. He had the imagination, money and passion to accomplish it. Kudos.

With a special needs child. Smart idea.

Or you could actually read what I wrote when I answered this question weeks ago.

Hoping to sleeve my left arm next year. Been wanting to do it for a couple decades and I’m still into it so.... yeah.

Becuase I run in a tight orbit and there’s not any way to find the time to meet women/new people. Online dating sucks when you are not a good looking man and/or not photogenic.

I haven’t had sex almost 6 years. Fuck, I’d go to Mars

Hopefully no one gets stabbed over a giant ass panda

I just want to know how I can achieve that sense of peace that dude has in the photo.

Arizona people are stupid.

I think he should stand his ground. He wants what he wants. As long as the understanding is there that he may never find the woman of his dreams, then fine.

Get fucked

As a son to a father with extensive PTSD, depression and anxiety issues....I can say the Army can get fucked.

This is some bullshit