
So it’s not the responsibility of a person who gets in a bad situation through no fault of their own to fix their situation, but it’s the responsibility of their employer who is also at no fault?

What a great argument. Bet that impresses all the kindergartners you date.

We both know you don’t have $100

That’s coming from someone who uses “lmfao”?

Taking responsibility for your own choices and lifestyle is somehow ridiculous? LOL, wow.

You can live there for free too if you’re not white and lie about being a refugee. Plus if you rape, kill or assault the locals, you won’t even go to prison!

Look, I’m sure your community college professor made socialism sound really great to some room-temp IQ individual such as yourself so how about you simply move to a socialist country and we’ll all be happy, m’kay?

So it’s somehow the responsibility of Uber to solve every problem everyone has? LOL, how self-entitled can you get.

No it’s not.

It is. A job is offered for an amount of compensation. People freely accept that job and get that compensation. Pretending it’s somehow the fault of the person making the offer that the amount isn’t enough to cover the lifestyle choices of the person who accepted is simply being greedy, dishonest and manipulative.

Funny how you commies pretend that willful employment is coercion simply because a profit is made.

Funny way to spell reality.

But socialism!

How is this even unfair working conditions lol. They’re literally in their own car, taking cusomers they chose to, working days and hours they wanted to.

Doing virtually nothing lol. Jesus, how stupid can you be. How about you go out and write your own ride hailing app, build out the infrastructure to operate it, hire all the various employees to run it, get office space for them and everything else they need to do their job, pay for all the marketing, insurance,

So you want to get rid of people accepting work, of their own free will, for an agreed upon fee, and replace it with what exactly.

These idiots will be complaining soon when automation means they don’t even have this opportunity to begin with. Since when is an employee allowed to set their own hours and work days, allowed to work for competitors at the same time and don’t have to wear any kind of uniform or come into an office.

Since when is offering money to people to do a job, which they are free to take or leave, exploitation. 

What a stupid take. These people willingly choose to do this, how is it “crushing” them? And all this will do is remove this as an opportunity for those who need it so that a few greedy fuckers can think they “won”.

LOL. Actually, I don’t like Musk. I think he’s arrogant, I think he’s doing too many things at once which is a major factor in what’s causing problems with Tesla and SolarCity. I think the Hyperloop is a stupid idea and his idea to dig tunnels everywhere to replace surface roads is almost as stupid. I think he clearly