He’s a former member of 1D and has always seemed to deliberately maintain a “sad puppy”/“tortured artist” look.
He’s a former member of 1D and has always seemed to deliberately maintain a “sad puppy”/“tortured artist” look.
“May you live long enough to become irrelevant" is a blessing, not a curse. Mazel, and accept it as a sign that you can move on.
Michael Jackson is the real modern test of this— even in otherwise for lack of a better word “woke” spaces that would never screen a Woody Allen movie or play Believe I can fly, etc.
Kind of a lukewarm to cold take, honestly.
This is why we can’t have nice things anymore. Legacy is such a difficult story to write given that norms change and with them our understanding of how they weren’t always the best. Between “The Untouchables” and “The Hunt for Red October”, I’m hard pressed to say which I favor. Connery is an iconic actor and…
Maybe I’m just cold or something but I still have no trouble separating the artist from the art. If I like someone’s work, I like their work. I also have no trouble watching old James Bond movies despite the sexism because they’re old and they’re basically relics of another time and what exactly are we achieving by no…
This situation really hurts me and makes me furious. I lived for a lo g time by a Welsh port that ran ferries to and from ireland. I can’t remember how many times I sat in the cafe there with some woman who had to travel to our nearest big city for an abortion. Girls barely old enough to have had their first period,…
Boy, what a shocker! IDK how that asshole keeps getting young women to date him.
Here is a tweet that makes me cry with laughter every time I think about it, and which I cannot read aloud without breaking with laughter halfway through:
My ex was a rather large man and a krav maga instructor. He also trained me and taught me some moves.
I have cousins who are very tall, and in their part of the UK it meant that they were constantly being challenged to fight by drunk dickheads every time they went out to a pub.
My Aunt and Uncle work in the stage/screen trade (she’s a costumier & he’s an actor). Half of their friends are lesbian/gay - it comes with the territory. Daniel Craig has been acting for over 30 years so I’m sure he’s not going to gay clubs as a voyeur, more like friends introduced him to an environment he felt…
I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with him frequenting gay bars. If he’s spending money there and not bothering anyone else, who the fuck cares?
I’m a pretty big dude. Back when I was a bouncer, and much more fit, the whole job is basically reading body language and all kinds of stupid primate posturing. When you’re that hyper-cognizant of it, it’s amazing how often you see backward cap bros try and take somebody down a peg for literally no other reason than…
There’s that moment in...Skyfall?? Where Javier Bardem insinuates something sexual and Daniel Craig oozes back “what makes you think you’re my first,” with a confidence that always made me think it was not just acting. Even if he’s straight straight, I have no issue with allies at the gay bar as long as they’re not…
If all he is doing is drinking and not harassing the other patrons, like for example hitting on the Lesbian couples, or making homophobic comments, then as lesbian leaning bi-woman, I say let him come in. I don’t care. In fact I would say that is him being a good ally, and allies are always welcome in LGBT spaces.
Maybe if we’re all lucky Kanye went back on his meds. I say that with respect, not as sarcasm.
The internet being what it is, I’m confident there’s significant overlap. The temptation for both communities to lurk and troll each other just seems way too great.
This honestly sounds like the fever dream of the MRA world, and I’d be curious to know what percentage of the activity actually IS those guys LARP-ing as the kind of evil shrew bitch they imagine they’re “up against”.
Evolutionary psychology is such a scam rooted conveniently in patriarchy and capitalism.
1: Press on nails exist. In fact, they’re extremely popular now, as the technology behind them has improved so much that they are actually incredible. Pre-pandemic, I was someone who got long acrylics every 2 weeks like clock work, but I now just plop on some press ons when I want to look put together. I don’t think…