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Something else that’s present in “Chasing Amy” (albeit as a subplot with Hooper) is the idea of marginalized identities within marginalized communities. How do you reconcile all pieces of yourself when you know that to be public with that is to lose the support of one of the communities you identify with?

You know who are good people? The police, investigators, councilors who help these victims. They do what they do at the risk to their own mental health. I salute them. 

Uh hey kids. Medical services ain’t free. It’s pretty amazing what you’re already insured for, and you’d like to hire more on-campus bodies who drive up tuition for every attendee? Because the free service is inconvenient?


The NFL would encourage fans to report any unapproved expressions of joy on the field, sidelines or in the stands.

That’s two strokes for the rules infraction, two for signing an incorrect scorecard, two strokes for failing to demurely curtsy when informed of the rules violation, three strokes for crying, four strokes for each PGA/LPGA golfer who leaped to your defense on Twitter, eleven strokes for failing to have the appropriate

Sweet Jeebus, could you imagine if the NFL encouraged fans to report infractions as they were happening on the field, and then those infractions would be enforced? Holy shitballs, that would be a cosmic clusterfuck. But...I kind of also want to see it.

As long as there are STDs the world will need condoms.

he’s off the table.

I feel like Russell Brand’s thoughts on Katy Perry are fine? They aren’t married anymore. Sounds like he doesn’t specifically follow her career, but he bears her no ill will. That sounds pretty healthy for a divorced couple.

I assume no women want to sleep with me and so far i’ve been 99.999% correct.


I don’t know Lonzo, but this goes for all kids: Don’t let your parents make you think you owe them. If you appreciate what they did and want to thank them, that’s fine, but it’s your life. Live for you, not for them.

I’ll be interested to see how much these kids pay attention to their father once they have their own money.

I had the opposite of that encounter a couple weeks ago. I lent some tools to a neighbor and she baked me cookies as a thank you. I asked are these gluten free? She said no and started to say she didn’t know I was gluten free but I cut her off. I was just checking to see if I had to pretend they were delicious before

Teenage boys in trench coats have lost some cachet the last 18 years or so.

Mostly deterrance. The suit itself is used to protect from fluids, piss, shit, etc. Probably less for the perp and more to discourage the police escorting him to be hit collaterally from someone who wanted to douse him in it. I also wouldn’t put it past someone to douse themselves in something nasty fuck with the

This guy watched tooooooons of interracial porn. I’d bet money on it.

When this was originally reported on Jezebel there was a pretty lengthy discussion in the comments as to whether this was terrorism, or just a hate crime. The distinction seemed to hinge on how you interpreted his traveling to an area for higher media coverage. I was on the fence until I sat down and considered the

I’m 100% sure he is way more terrified of talking to a woman than stabbing a black man.