
breaking news: straight young men like pussy! ewww grossss! but sluts loving dick means they’re empowered

It’s like you think a troll is anybody who asks questions that you don’t like because they challenge your beliefs.

Ah great. The Godwin point. If you have to resort to that kind of argument, well you’ve lost the debate, buddy.

You seem like a giant overreacting asshole.

who’s going to advocate for me? who’s going to elevate me?

Sex does not equal gender.

You cannot experience being a woman if society at large sees you as a man. This is what trans folks do not want to accept. People acknowledge everyone’s right to be and dress as they wish, but transwomen do not pass. Even when in photos, in real life it is clear that these are males. So you cannot expect women to

Yes we are.

The Dolezal event is basically the same as Trans woman, Trans men, Otherkin (people who believe they were born in the wrong species), and the 53 year old man who believes he is really a 5 year old girl. All of these are debatable. Does believing in something make it true? What keeps it from being evidence of emotional

not engage the Dolezaltrolls

Thank you.

I appreciate you replying but I will never compare race to this mainly because I have been greatly affected since my conception because I am black. Racism is a completely different topic that I won’t even bring up today mainly because I have nothing to explain to a Caucasian person about race, racism, etc even if

You know your arguement is going poorly when you have to find the corner cases throughout the known animal kingdom. We are not fish, or birds, or any other thing other than human. And in the HUMAN species, we come in male and female. It is possible that some poor person has a freak genetic anomaly (see less than

No one is saying that trans people need to be exterminated. Chill the hellllllllllll out.

You cheapen the discourse by using the term “TERF.” Radical feminists have always been critical of gender. We see it as the main tool the patriarchy uses to keep women down. Therefore the ideal world of trans-activists and radical feminists are fundamentally opposed and I don’t think we’ll ever see eye-to-eye on this.

Actually it does.

The emperor has no clothes! (shhhhhh!!!)

I think the poster you replied to raises a good point though—how do we define “man” and “woman?” If gender is a social construct, as opposed to a biological dichotomy, and we don’t have “men’s brains” and “women’s brains,” and “performance” is an aspect of gender, and it’s not about shared experiences, and it’s not

Why can there be no debate? Why do you get to decide? Why are you silencing women born as biological females?

If you are human and possess X/Y-Chromosome pairs, you are male regardless of any surgery, drug-therapy, makeup, attire, personal belief/feeling -OR- politics. It’s simply SCIENCE!!