I was always surprised that Qaddafi had the restraint to stick with Colonel.
I was always surprised that Qaddafi had the restraint to stick with Colonel.
Do you feel comfortable speaking for all women in prison?
“not being forced to dress as the opposite gender”
I think that could be a reasonable exception, to have trans people who have had bottom surgery go to the prison that corresponds with their post-op status.
Unfortunately the video you linked didn’t work.
By comparing being trans to addiction and schizophrenia, you seem to be implying that it’s an illness or condition. Not sure what you mean by the “wish you-washy shit that modern medicine does”.
Yup. His demands make it sound like being a woman is about feminine gender displays. Being a woman is not about dresses or hair. At least, it didn't used to be.
What do we mean by medically necessary? Necessary like insulin or a beta-blocker or appendectomy?
Any theory, conspiracy or otherwise, would require evidence to back it up. Wakefield had no evidence. 9/11 truthers have no evidence. Currently, we have no evidence that gender is anything more than a feeling or perception. What that feeling or perception means for public policy is still being considered by society.
Such a policy would be unfair to women prisoners
Prisons are segregated by biological sex. Not by gender, sexual orientation, gender performance, etc. Biological sex. And the reason is that biological women are at risk for violence at the hands of biological men. Allowing biological men (not just Manning) into women’s prisons is dangerous and unfair to women in…
Prisons aren’t known for their “quality of life”. This should not be surprising. Now, if we think we SHOULD take QoL into consideration, then we need to take into account what that would mean for prisoners that people don't like.
Wakefield lied about research that tied vaccination to autism.
What an ugly thing to say
“Treating their illegal immigration as a crime deserving of detention and deportation doesn’t make me feel better.”
It’s not clueless as much as it’s clever branding. Claiming feminism is just smart business these days.
Actually, Cam Newton was eviscerated for being a “sore losing shit talker”. Almost all athletes are, because it’s a bad look.
Totally agree, especially regarding pain as the fifth vital sign and the foolish promise that pain can be eradicated. Especially after major surgery.
ICU doc here. Been waiting for someone to say this. You nailed the issue for the most part, with maybe the exception that doctors were fooled into thinking Oxy wasn’t addictive. It’s an opiate. Any doctor who thought it wouldn’t be addictive is a dope (pun intended).