
I hope your boss dies in a fire.

Why would you even report these photos? That's ridiculous. Sounds like some jealousy was going on there. Haters gonna hate I guess.

oof. +1

Cocaine. It's a hell of a drug.

You're doing well today. What did you have for breakfast?


I think he looks great!

+1 to you. I made a similar comment. It took fifteen seconds on google to determine that toys r us sells other versions of her.

Not disagreeing with you at all that the toy is very messed up. But maybe that's all this one single store has in stock right now? The first link that a google search yields for "toys r us Princess Leia" is the bounty hunter version, from toysrus.com. Again, this particular toy should not exist, but let's not jump to

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Here's one for the dog lovers: