
*I don’t necessarily mean to direct this to Lew, but yours is the comment I hit reply to....

45% of US workers make less than $15 an hour. $15/hr is $31,000/year - before taxes. Take home pay on that salary is probably closer to $25,000. The median 1 bedroom apartment rent is $1,050/month, so there goes more than 1/3rd

Ah, your concern is I’m sure totally real and not at all fake. But allow me to tell you how you suck ass, if you would:

1) You suck ass because you think she’s an “entitled girl” that was given everything. She stood up in Davos and spoke to power there. She’s been on the frontline in Europe for the past year. You suck

Jesus fuck you stupid twats get so bent when someone interrupts your little fantasy that you think is reality, don’t you? I mean, you really showed her!

Just a fucking cunt you are.

You’re right. Strike “news” out of there and it’d be more correct.

lol no. Just...no.

Hey I bet you know my ex brother-in-law!

However, he bought the house 30 years ago and can now sell it and the land for a few million, so his retirement is going to be fine. The rest is extremely accurate!

I also speed, change lanes without using a turn-signal, and will occasionally even cross the street when the light is red and I’m walking, along with my facilitating tax fraud by tipping in cash on top of a $1 credit card tip that they can claim.

Because, frankly, tax fraud shouldn’t be just for the upper crust.


eVerY mOviE hAs A gEnDer SwAp


Fucking cunts. 

Yes, we are all seeing this.

From over your shoulder.


You’re just figuring out now that chasing computer power is a never ending hamster wheel?

Not sure “respect” is the right word there, but he sure is good at being devoid of ethics or scruples.

Vote Democratic. GOP is hopelessly corrupt and only voting them out will correct it. Dems at least, are still held to account.

Never saw Born on the Forth of July, eh?

People should try watching movies WITHOUT smoking weed sometimes....

Oh well, a rando tweet really pounded that last nail.

Look up his books - Joe Bob Goes to the Drive In. He had a newspaper column that was based out of Texas, and this book compiles them all. It’s a brilliant time capsule of lost Americana, especially if you like schlocky movies. Him and Stephen King even did a motorcycle tour back in the 80's, most likely completely

Every dipshit cunt that starred this piece of shit message also should get ass cancer.

Hi dipshit. He’s from Chicago, and as others pointed out, “Emmanuel” isn’t a Muslim name regardless. Oh, and the police have said he’s blamed his anger on women rejecting him. So he’s another cowardly incel fuckwad, which is something I have a feeling you two have in common.

Going from Ariana Grande to Kate Beckinsale would be my ideal life, so I think he’s doing just fine.

Netflix has always wanted to be more like HBO. What the new regime wants are 10 minute video crap that you can watch on your iphone using ATT data while you’re shitting.