
“America spent the day watching Sam Nunberg, a former aide to Trump presidential campaigns, have the kind of cocky, self-destructive spiral normally reserved for characters in the third acts of Scorsese movies, calling up and popping into every news show that wouldn’t suggest he talk to someone who cares about him

Is this brought to us by Koch Industries? Because you really should have a disclaimer...

The writing isn’t good, but the story is a page turner and it’s entertaining, especially if you’re genx/not a millennial.

These assholes are taking it WAYYY too seriously.

Nobody calls it “Reddit Player One”. That’s just dumb.

The Ninja Turtles might’ve influenced your 8 your old self, but in 1990, my 15-year-old self was already over the Ninja fad of the mid-80's that brought us Turtles in the first place...

SquareTrade, not FairTrade...

SquareTrade, not FairTrade...

You’re still able to get a FairTrade warranty on it, which will extend past the 90 days that is with this refurb. As others have said, these are coming from the factory with major components swapped out. If I didn’t buy a Vizio P series last year, I would be all over it.

You’re still able to get a FairTrade warranty on it, which will extend past the 90 days that is with this refurb. As

No, they have been vary quick to straw-man the media narrative as this being the first black superhero with “but BLADE!” so as to make sure it’s diminished just a bit more.

It felt like an hour to me, too, and I was.

ake your pick, either make a defensive stand, or encourage all of the staff who are qualified to concealed-carry.

Yes please. Drop Gambit, fast-track The Shadowcat.

Disagree with you here.
First of all, even if they are hurting, they’ll be around for the next 3 months. So if you see 10 movies within 3 months (1 movie every other week), you’ve got your money’s worth. So even if that were the case, who cares?

No ground beef, but chunks of chuck. 1 pound of that, and a lb of chorizo sausage. I try to keep the rest the same but that’s a damn good combination.

Jimmy Kimmel has being doing exactly that for the past year. It could be argued that he helped scuttle the Obamacare repeal bills.

But taking one night to point out the complete and utter hypocrisy, I think, is a nice service.

BTW - when one of his women breaks their NDA to explain how he paid for her abortion, that’s

I actually went to school with 2 Gary’s - both born in the mid 70's.

I got that instead of winning the lottery.

My company recently implemented Flock, a Slack competitor.

We’ve been having a lot of fun Flocking each other.

My god, you are a cunt.

Nope, what he made was a sizzle reel, just like every one of the professionals called it!

...Right into GenX nostalgia.

The Millennial nostalgia is also starting to ramp up, so that’s fun. Maybe one of these days we can stop re-buying our youth and actually progress as a society...