I can't be the only one who thought, "That's Scott. He's a dick."
I can't be the only one who thought, "That's Scott. He's a dick."
God damnit, how can you not love him?!?!
He insisted I was never allowed to fart or burp in his presence.
I'm not sure I buy that. For starters, Republicans are also opposed to better contraceptive availability, which does more to prevent abortions than shutting down women's clinics. If abortion is really murder, then giving people IUDs or Depo-Provera is infinitely preferable. If you make up some bullshit claim that…
I honestly believe that it's more about controlling women than saving children. If they gave a shit about saving children, they might not be working so hard to cut programs that help the ones that are already living.
I have such mixed feelings about this. Don't get me wrong, rights are awesome. But gay marriage fits really, really well into the conservative idea that the nuclear family is the basic building block of society. There's going to be a lot of people who are ok with you being gay, but only so long as you get married and…
Who would have thought we'd get to a point where Republicans were ok with same sex marriage but still suppressing women's reproductive choices?
I have no idea. Well, I have one idea, but it's predicated on the idea that folks are very quick to tell a certain kind of parent (young WoC) how they should be parenting better.
And another mother subjects her child to the horror of being used to fulfill her own empty childhood desires.
What's your agenda here? What are you trying to prove by pushing back so crazy hard? The police are investigating it as a hate crime, why are you trying to say it is 'just about the money'?
Sigh. Except that the corporal said in one of the interviews I watched that Combs' crew were casing drivers. Gay Days aren't just days were LGBT people show up, they're often days where LGBT show up identifiably as LGBT. It's pretty easy to identify LGBT cars if you case them. And many cars might have LGBT symbols or…
You forget one very important thing: power dynamic. There's a reason you won't hear anyone talking about Jews or Muslims this way. It's called "punching up." Christian privilege exists in the United States. Christianity is extremely powerful. Christians have the upper hand within oppressive frameworks versus…
I bet this guy was Christian!
I like how she holds up a soda and a snack to illustrate sodas and snacks as she is saying "sodas and snacks." Just in case we don't know what sodas and snacks are.
☐ not rekt ☑ rekt
I laughed, I cried, I laughed again.
Well said.
Another ass alert.
For real, all she needs is a chancleta and this would be my mom after I missed curfew.
just another day in the Queef Latinah neighborhood. To make this more believable, loud reggaeton should be playing somewhere, and there should be a lot more people observing and yelling at the same time. I'll give it "honorable mention"