Right? How adorable is this douche?
Did you see the accompanying jerkoff motion?
Cillizza....blech. I reported him for harassment, then dragged the shit out of him.
get down girl, go head get down
Rep. Butt likes Cummins, so whatever happened is fine with her. He’s a Nice Guy.
Yup. You can’t do anything if you can’t get elected.
Right there with you on the pragmatic progressive-ism. I voted for Bernie in the primary, Hillary in the general, and would be forever grateful if we could stop rehashing last year’s fucking primary while America burns.
I knoooooow
That’s a picture of the Patriots Place theater in Foxborough MA.
This is absolutely a real quote, and she tells it without a shred of self-awareness, because she thinks it illustrates her understanding of what it’s like to struggle. AFAIC it says all you ever need to know about her.
fucking creepy
Oh, my bad obviously
FUUUUUCK this entitled bitch. I don’t remember seeing her name OR Kushner’s on my ballot.
There are two kinds of people; those who pee in the shower AND DAMN LIARS
ONLY if it’s the Richard Cheese cover.
are you hiring, and where do I apply
True...but this bill seems to be going out of its way to make this happen as often as possible.
He acknowledged that someone “who is unconscious or is so intoxicated … as to be incapable of understanding or perceiving the situation that presents itself” cannot provide consent under Canadian law.
Piling onto what’s shaping up to be a pretty bad week for the Trump administration