
You can’t count on private entities to pay a fair wage for honest work, though. Sure, some will, but some will pay as little as they can get away with and there’s always some poor desperate schmo who will take it because he can’t get anything else. But I guess that’s A-OK with you.

Oh, the real rebuttal is “fuck you, I got mine” as they kick the ladder over. Heartless and illogical is right.

The workers AREN’T agreeing to work for their current salary; they want $35K/year. In expensive-ass Boston. That is literally the point of the article. Worry about the location of your own head.

So people who have to do unskilled labor can just starve? You act like they’re reaching into your wallet. Get some fucking empathy.

Stop it. You can’t outsource every low-skilled labor job to teenagers so you can justify paying crap.

Black tights, Doc boots, pale green skirt, black turtleneck.

Read Jenny’s series The Boss (writing as Abigail Barnette). Inspired by 50SOG but actually good.

Let’s see. I think he’ll be at all the debates, because his handlers will go apeshit if he tries to bail.

No. If he weasels out, Hillary gets the whole apple to herself.

The problem is Trump will not take part in a debate where the moderators contradict him or pose any follow-up questions.

$0.78 instead of $0.61?? WELL IT’S FINE THEN!!!!! :D :D

Judd Apatow recently tweeted that he always thought Ann Coulter didn’t believe her schtick but when he met her he realized she believes it all.

Colin is using his privilege and his platform to train a spotlight on people who have neither. I say good fucking job on him.

I probably wouldn’t have clicked a link either, but now I’m going to go look her up. So.

Ugh. “It’s a book about a woman who wants to be left alone.”

One time I had a lady rattle the locked door, then knock, THEN exclaim loudly to someone else, “I THINK IT’S STUCK.”

I got a few. Maybe they want to nail down the readership?

I used to do that sometimes, if I couldn’t sit for some reason. Kids never minded but it was hell on my arms.

Salon: Does the possibility of losing the Supreme Court for a generation trouble you? At the very least, Clinton would choose justices who would preserve women’s rights and make crucial judgments about campaign finance and gun laws.

She’s a fucking vulture.