
Time for another species to get a turn

Comon man no need to be willfully ignorant to write this article. These are important historical incidents but you know that they don’t fit what kind of event this is defined as. Don’t confuse people here. This is a specific type of crime counted and categorized and studied as its own phenomenon for a reason. Please

Sounds like we need to revoke that permission

Flying over civilian airspace, where civilians should be able to fly drones without the military interfering

Wow, that sounds like a dangerous aircraft to have flying over residential neighborhoods. We should talk to our local government about these “Blackhawk helicopters”

What is alarming is that a Blackhawk helicopter is flying over Staten Island at just 500 feet. Sorry but I can’t see the drone issue as a serious one in this story because it is overshadowed by the strange actions of the military craft

I’ve run out of gas without the warning light coming on, and the gauge saying I have almost 1/8 of a tank. Yeay junker cars

Lol they literally don’t have a button that stops it? Is that how bad it is in America? You do not control ads, they control you? Holy fuck I thought the internet makes jokes but this IS all going to end in my lifetime #LateStageCapitalism

Why? What happened that allowed this? Or was he doing it the entire race. Comon Journalists... WwWwWH?

I’m with you in that I want to enjoy some anime but don’t like the majority of stuff out there. I loved Death Note, and Akira, and started on Cowboy Bebop and Cat’s Eye. I just can’t do the Inuyasha stuff, but I love the city/80's/sciencey stuff so far. Good luck

Where are the pictures of all the supplies he packed into Air Force One? He doesn’t actually think that just showing up is going to change anything or feed anyone...?

*For our Caucasian readers


She was born and raised in Dearborn, which has been called “the Arab capital of North America,”

His remarks were awful! What were these people watching?! He squinted at the camera and made it significantly obvious that he was reading (and poorly) some remarks which he couldn’t muster an ounce of enthusiasm for. He looked like he was a student asked to read the next paragraph of the textbook out loud. And all the

Know what is even more responsible? The NFL allowing teams to give vague injury reports, where things are lower body or upper body. How would a fan be expected to empathize with such bland language? A bump? A bruise? A dislocated knee? All sound the same under NFL language, and are too vague for anyone to care.

...and he’s been kicked off the team right? ...Coach?

*I think we all understand a mass shooting in the context to mean perpetrated by an individual or small number of persons, not a large force, or military, or mob. There have been massacres of different natures in our history, but the term mass shooter is a modern one, and applying it to events in the past is often

Yeah. Like, earmuffs are 1/10th the cost at least!