Hmm nope he doubled down
Hmm nope he doubled down
Well they are just real scared because they are losing their majority politically... with just a bit more time, these things will be in your favor. Yet it is fine and good to push for change earlier than its inevitability, lest some people try and stall that inevitability!
No one should owe money to jerks just because they are “family.” That’s an antiquated concept that causes parents to protect criminal kids, abusers, and undeserving beneficiaries. Jerk move or not it is nice to see someone take agency over their own wealth at death.
AHAHAHA He is trying to add a second boycott from the other side! I’m sure the NFL would love that!
Mmm the NFL boycott is working... call it junk,or boost the visibility... up to you media.
Less Thai gap, more Thai features are my only critiques. Looks like a westerner dressing as Thai
formal living rooms they don’t use
That’s the good furniture in the good living room. Only guests ever go in there, otherwise it is off limits. The real living room is the family room, and there are toys all over the floor and dog hair on the cushions and two empty pop cans from 2 days ago that TAYLOR HASN’T TAKEN CARE OF GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT…
You can be wiser than everyone else but you live in a world with everyone else. No club wants to have a child’s death happen at their stadium, even if it is a parent’s fault/responsibility. The public will not remember that asshole parent, they will remember the kid who died at (Insert Major League Brand)‘s park. A…
A thing I used to do when wrongly accused of something as a kid/teen is not address the accusations and let people dig themselves into a big hole. I basically felt that if an asshole wanted to start trying to assert things based on rumor or incomplete information that they didn’t need me coming to their rescue to…
Haha they hid behind HIPPA so they don’t have to say the girl’s condition (You can say it without violating HIPPA, and people do in every other case!)
Lol at first glance I thought the kid was marching with an Alt-Right shield
But an Expedition on the other hand...
Well life without this bill has not stopped smugglers, gangs, or drug traffickers so don’t threaten us with fake security Mr. Sessions
So when you pass on a two lane highway you are fine spending 2 miles in the oncoming lane in order to complete your pass without breaking the speed limit? Sure buddy
I can’t hear about the earthquake on Splinter? :( Seems like important news to break!
I mean if you’ve never experienced an allegorical story before then sure. If you have then this is a really commercial version that somehow amazes everyone who thinks a movie that doesn’t explain exactly what the plan is (*Bad guy is shown placing bombs on a dam* Protagonist: “We have to stop him from blowing up the…
HE KEEPS UNDERMINING THE GOP LOL! How can you claim the need to cut rich people a tax break when the stock market makes them look like they are raking it in!? OH THE POOR RICH PEOPLE NEED A BREAK THEY CAN’T CREATE JOBS (except for having doubled their wealth in the past 5 years, what will they do with that if not…
Yeah Drumpf is the worst thing for the GOP long term with this generation, just being such a poor poor example will mean that for half or more of these kids lives they’ll only know good Presidents (Obama, and the Dem after Drumpf). That will make for a 50 year effect on politics. At least according to my thinktank…
You know, it is better for the economy if Trump doesn’t win another 4 years. You can enjoy blocked streets but they affect your commerce. You’re just laughing at your own bleeding, when you could actually take steps to prevent shooting yourself in the foot. That’s the game though, they make you think you’re winning…