To the point that they gasp things like “Racism is as American as Baseball!”
To the point that they gasp things like “Racism is as American as Baseball!”
Wow the Alt Right is really stepping up their marketing.
Edit: Or maybe the sign is against Racism, really makes sense from both sides, with the lack of context on if this is in favor or against racism. It has to be Alt Right as it really reinforces racists by saying how powerful they are.
Are there really only so few good actors? Jennifer Lawrence only broke into the big time what, 5 years ago? Since then she has been in countless studio films... Great for her, she isn’t the point. The point is really? Can the Hollywood/Celebrity economy only handle a certain amount of stars? Is it fans that can only…
I’m confused. This is supposed to be an outrageous proposal, that even Democrats admit to that fact? This sounds like exactly what the majority of us young people want, and some smart older Democrats. I’m frankly a bit appalled that instead of backing this, which is what is needed to just get it done, people are…
Who are the celebrities on the phones actually talking to? Any random caller? Large donors? Each other? You’d think people would video their own donation calls and we would get a glimpse of these interactions all over social media “I DONATED AND GOT AL PACINO HOOOAHHHH”
Yet I never see that stuff after these...
The FBI went hard at Apple to unlock phones. Now Apple wants to add a second form of biometric data to their databases, one that the FBI has been pursuing for years now. To think that law enforcement won’t someday demand the facial data of phones within a radius of a crime, like they easily get customer data on now is…
That’s actually a very common argument in cycling communities. I disagree as I saw it firsthand when I almost hit someone with my car when they had a sign and I did not, but everyone thinks “they” know how to break the law safely.
It’s setting the stage for the poor whites that we will convert to the idea as Trump gaffes his way into exposing how corrupt health care is when he tries to talk shit about it. Basically the more the Dems control the topics, the more Trump loses as he Tweets off the handle and out of line with the filtered GOP message
I can find what the article says in that source, I cannot find the 33% that you claim.
“The June Kaiser Health Tracking poll finds that a slim majority of the public (53 percent) now favors a single-payer health plan in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government plan, while just over four…
Actually they come within a game but the Cubs win in the end. Which means tonight was their last win I guess.
Hey they might beat the Cubs after all!
Wow the WH is unaware that prosecuting Comey would result in a widescale FBI revolt! How can that place be deaf to so much fucking info
Hold on... the guy they had to oversee guys that appeared to have to be of AARP age was just a kid? Here they made it look like you needed to be old and wise to even step into the Ref department, and they come out hiring a Theo Epstein to oversee what turned out to be a significant era of ref fuckups? God the NFL is…
Whoa whoa whoa wait... ESPN PR said to themselves “We need to state that we do not share this opinion, in public, which has the effect not just of ignoring an opinion (which is what silence would mean with all the other opinions and hot takes their people serve up) but to actually make us look like we are taking a…
Someday maybe someone will tear the flag on SNL...
I love it all, except for the part where he admits he defied an order to leave, and then claimed he feared for his safety when his refusal to leave caused the logical response from security to approach him. Like, I get authority abusing power, being racist, abusing people, but no good lawyer would advise a client to…
And the District of Columbia’s suited population
As I posted on the other article, Twitter should have different colored check marks to tell you if the account is run by an individual, a staff, or a corporation, etc. Would probably help end the nightmare PR issues that come with people assuming or applying responsibility to a person or brand
Perhaps it is time Twitter added different color checkmarks to signify if an account is operated by staff or a corporation or an individual. I mean we all know he doesn’t actually bother with ever touching his Twitter account right? Like some male staffer (these fuckups are always stupid young bros) didn’t log out…
It has to be in their contracts not to broach certain topics detrimental to the league image. That shit is absolutely in the language of the broadcast rights and I’m surprised Deadspin just assumes it isn’t when old Deadspin would have found someone to leak the deal to them just so they can shit on NBC in this story