
Not to the extent you’re dealing with an almost inevitable outcome. Hence the Roulette analogy. Sure hypothetically you could win the 5/6th odds bet hundreds of times in a row. In reality you’ll probably lose before you get to your tenth spin of the cylinder, and no one’s advice about how to “beat the system” actually

Okay pal. Here’s my last go at trying to convince you to get out.

Even if Melvin gets wiped, that protective shell comes nowhere close to being fractured. When they go out to raise again, their story will be “Internet people meme’d us into a bad spot and we couldn’t do much about it”. John Meriwether started multiple hedge funds after LTCM and had no trouble raising capital.

If you are up at all, fucking sell.

Understanding What It Means To Be A Gracious Loser Means Being A Loser.


Now, we can argue (Narrator: We can’t) about whether it would “ruin a billionaire’s life”(Narrator: It won’t)

There is no world where it doesn’t crash, with the only holders left at the peak being index funds that are required to hold it through thick and thin and meme buyers.

A thing I tell myself is that I have not been playing DotA over and over again for 15 years. Rather I’ve continued to work through all of the possible permutations of character, skill & item combinations that can exist in any given match.

So now we can all start pointing and laughing at guys like Taibbi, Greenwald, and unfortunately even Jon Stewart for asserting that this was like OWS, right?

Yeah. Dude needed help for years, clearly, but finally seemed to be acknowledging that in the last several months.

Fun fact, no it’s not. Naked shorting is selling shares you cannot get your hands on in the here and now. Shares can be borrowed, sold, borrowed again and sold, which can lead to a short interest that exceeds the current float and that’s perfectly legal.

Before all of this, Gamestop stock was a reasonable reflection of the performance of a company. It’s price reflected a struggling but not doomed retailer.

And also I’m just curious, what do you think would happen to primary market efforts to raise equity by real businesses raising money to do real things would happen if secondary markets were signifigantly curtailed based on the belief that they add nothing of value to the equation?

If they issued small chunks of shares over the course of the mania ... it probably wouldn’t matter all that much.  

Except that’s really only true because of the meme buyers in this case. Gamestop’s equity is worth something, and if people want to trade it because they have different notions of what it is worth, that’s fine.

I don’t think you know how counting cards at a casino in Vegas is not the same as counting cards when playing with your friends and a single deck. It is one of the “statistically best” forms of gambling, but it still is a loser’s game.

Not to the extent that there are differences in degrees of uncertainty when it comes to an investment in (or short in) a stock and throwing the lever on a slots machine. Also the outcomes are not necessarily binary.

How do you make money betting against something?

I personally believe we need to regulate markets a lot more, we need to tax them a lot more.