
I would LOVE to have a President Pelosi.  

They are all vying for the Bojangles-StepInFetchIt Cooning Hall of Fame.

I wish my ancestors had kept running all the way to Canada.  It ain’t perfect but it is a lot more sane than this redneck mutherfucker we all Amerika.

I watch the Michelle’s Becoming video on Netflix last night. It reminder me of the last time I had hope for the this jiveass mutherfucking country. I cried when she talked about how dissapointed they were when America’s triffing ass citizens did not turn out to vote in the midterm elections and stuck Barack with a

One of my all time great memories is seeing Charlie and the Gap Band on the Tom Joyner Morning Show Fantastic Voyage cruises.  I love you Charlie, thanks for bringing it all these years.

The other side to the asshole attitude of the SUV driver is that there are other asshole SUV and super-duper pickup assholes out there. Karma says two of them will wipe each other out and make the roads safer for the rest of us.

Word!!  He has been through some shit and knows what it is like to be on the bottom.

That is the same as telling Labron to “shut up and dribble”.  Same shit different wypipo.

Thanks Ryan.  You nailed it!

I live in Arizona (just west of Phoenix).  This is sooo typical of Arizona redneck muthafuckers.  

Go fuck Yourself.  How could you tell Shaka from Chaka when she said it, not spelled it.  Thinking that wypipo know more about African history than Black people is pure redneck bullshit.

They are both strong contenders for the “Clarence Thomas StepInFetchit Cooning Hall of Fame

I am still amazed the Obama was able to get white people to vote for him. But Bush and Cheney did such a total job of fucking up the country that they opened the door for the country to give him a chance. Obama did such a great job under horrible circumstances and againist all odds, that it scared them into voting

Idiotology:  The study of utterly blatant stupidity combined with appalling ignorance.

Are you going for the “Darwin Special”?  Let the stupid kill themselves so that they are unable to pass the stupid genes to the next generation.


The chicken that laid the  egg is the first one to chuck.  He that dealt it is the first one who smelt it.  

No Fucking Shit!!

H2O is basic, elemental, intergalactic. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. Like 99% of the sun. The other elements were not even created until a star burns up all of it hydrogen and starts to forge heavier elements all the way up until it goes Supernova and blasts all of the elements billions of

Too true.  Religion is a confining cage for reason and logic.