
Mucho Groovy

Yes, preach Michael. It warms my heart every week to here these “hit shitty dogs holla” in the pain of being called out on the evil they been doing to us since 1619. Keep up the good work. We love you more than you can ever know.


I loved Green Lantern and this sounds like something that would be right up his ally.  Go Green Lantern Go.

Too True

Well done, you have a future in fantasy lit.


Wow a lot of people with airplane knowledge on this site. Kool

Michael brings the pain and wypipo tears like nobody else.  He is my forever Black Hero.  Yayy Michael.

Damm!!  That was some first class put down shit.  I love you.

In a world wide study over the last several years, out of 56 million abortions 22,000 women died, 4 out of 10,000 or .0004. Out of 130 million births 300,000 women died, 2 out of 1000 or .002. The abortion number would be even better if so many women were not forced to get it done by people who are not doctors. It is

An angry man’s words are a calm man’s thoughts.  You is what you is.  High emotion just puts it all out on front street for the world to see.


wypipo just refuse to stop doing white people shit. I am no longer surprised, but I continue to be amazed at how fucking clueless and transparent they do white people shit.

Word!  I had a boss who was a walking ball of dog hair. 

So sorry, but no it does happen. I am still salty as shit that my sister-in-law invited her white neighbors to Thanksgiving dinner. Not just one or two, but a whole crowd of them greedy bastards and they had the nerve to want to take a plate. The blackest get together of the year was ruined. One of the things I look

I feel for you.

No matter what I am teetoally sure that it is bound to smell a whole lot better than that Goop stanky white shit.

My thoughts exactly.  She is the only one who has set down and put a lot of thoughts and number crunching into her policies.  Since Harris dropped out, she is the only one I am donating to.

Praise the Lord.