
I am an early brother too.  Running through the airport is not my sport, and it is bad for my blood pressure.  Plus I love the feeling of casually strolling along the concourse, watching people dashing pass me.  Special bonus is sitting in the boarding area having a snack, while reading The Root on my iPad😎

Fuck Wells Fargo in their greedy Ass.  Don't use their shit.  They stole from their own customers and then fired a bunch of employees to try to cover it up.

Fuck Wells Fargo in their greedy Ass.  Don't use their shit.  They stole from their own customers and then fired a

I did a summer school session at Wash U back in the 70's, it was an uppity white ass town then and does not look like it has got any better. 

I love you.  Keep up the good work.  Blacksplain the fuck out these bullshit😎

No fucking doubt about it!!!!

Good one😎

That was supposed to be Bad Ass Moma

One Bad Ass Mona

The Tom Joyner Morning Show Fantastic Voyage is the best cruise for black people. Non stop party, party, party

Had one a couple of months ago. Their is nothing quite like explosive diarrhea 😎

Haters gonna hate. Lebron gets more bullshit calls in his favor than any player in the league. The refs are always kissing his over privileged ass. Cavs choked, fuck em

In Phoenix they go to Peter Piper Pizza, but they still can’t get away from latinos and blacks😎

Thank you, I was about to write the same thing. Butt hurt wipipo need not respond. GTFOH

Richard Pryor says his Uncle told him never to lick a pussy, but since his Uncle was wrong about everything else he could not wait to eat some pussy. I personally think of myself as a connoisseur of cunnilingus😎

Word up! I will also give you a monster dunk over that fat head mutherfucker 😎

Too true. White peoples love to try to hide their evil shit and pretend it did not happen!

I worked for the VA for 31 years. It is one of the best federal agencies, providing healthcare and services to vets. The problem is that the country gives great lip service to vets, but when it comes to funding the cost to take care of them they get all chicken shit. However there is always plenty of money for wars

I grew up in Madera, the whole valley is full of racist Rednecks mutherfuckers😎

I live in Arizona, Flake is a bullshit muthafucker. Talk is cheap, he voted for all the Republican horeshit.

Neal Degrasse Tyson for bringing black people humor to explaining the universe and smacking down dumb ass flat-earth fools😎