
I don’t have anything to add except yup! As a liberal who grew up in Oklahoma among pretty privilege folk, I cannot stop rolling my eyes at this narrative that economic anxiety drove people into Trump’s arms. Literally the only other white people that I know in this state who voted for Clinton are working class

It’s like each rust belt person who lost their job now equals 2 million voters.

Mainstream coverage of the election results have been extremely fucked off. Nobody is saying what is really happening.

This is so so true. It’s so annoying when people try to explain it by saying “these voters felt left behind by the economy.” I live in Kentucky. Most Trump supporters I know are relatively well off (it is true, in my experience, that many do not have college degrees, but work trade or own businesses) and white. It’s

Nah, thats just what dudes get. Women get nothing, and child support in some cases.

Actually commit a rape, get six months and a gig talking about alcohol abuse on a campus full of potential new victims.

Falsely accuse someone of being callous and heartless to a victim of a gang rape—jury awards $3 million.

I saw a lot of misogynistic comments got unchallenged elsewhere, particularly liberal but not necessarily feminist sites like Wonkette, or the comment section of Charlie Pierce’s column at Esquire. It was jarring after spending time here, where those comments are likely to get called out.

I always have to after sex. I’m like let’s cuddle for a minute, then I dash off to pee.

I witnessed someone fall on the tracks a few years ago going to work one morning. To the credit of my fellow neighbors, we all immediately raced to help her and got this poor woman out. She was shaken up but fine.

Saaaaame. In DC in middle school one of my classmates jokingly pushed me onto the tracks as a joke (7th graders are sociopaths). I was a little banged up, but there was no train coming and I was safely hauled back up to the platform, but standing too close still gives me a sick feeling and I’m happy to wait behind the

i always stand against the back wall when a train is approaching (or even when there is no train visible / audible.. i just lean against the wall until the train arrives and stops).. have done this for 20+ years... have seen 2 attempts of psychos in my life who tried to shove someone onto the tracks, and have heard of

You know who scares the shit out of me? The wild gesticulators. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to suddenly thrust your arm into the air while telling your stupid story on a crowded train platform? I swear, more than people who suddenly stop walking in pedestrian traffic, more than the four-across “Melrose

This is why I will never visit NYC.

Oh, I forgot my third fear, being electrocuted by a sidewalk grate.

That makes me feel better about neurotically avoiding sidewalk grates when I visit NYC.

This frightens me far more than terrorism. It’s just so easy.

This is a MUCH bigger fear for me than terrorism has ever been, tbh

Decades of impotent rage, violence, fear and injustice has soaked into that land.