
I doubt he has a shrine to Hoover. He almost resigned under Bush (he was acting head of the DOJ) because the original wiretapping they wanted (their was talk of rolling it through without the DOJ’s seal if they wouldn’t sign off). So I doubt he holds much respect for someone like Hoover who pretty much did that.

I’d happily predict that his physical office gets ‘slated for [indeterminant] renovation’ and he has to find new digs.

He can. It’s rare for a President to fire someone from that kind of position as it comes off as a partisan move. Clinton did in the early 90's I believe, over corruption issues if I remember correctly (he repeatedly requested resignation first and when he was refused he moved to fire).

I meant “is”. For some reason my autocorrect has been changing “is” to “isn’t” lately. I think it has something to do with some keystrokes being “read”through a different channel than the others, but I’m not sure.

If I sent Samsung about ky POS S6 phone an email and I was being investegated by the FBI, should the FBI be investegating Samsung and announce it to the world? I get that she had the hidden server and stuff, but if you do not have any evidence you can show, you keep your mouth shut until you do. He was playing

Bill Clinton purported to have cause, though, didn’t he?

“That’s how she murdered Vince Foster!”

What was Comey supposed to do? What the FBI has been doing for decades. Quietly investigate and not release a statement unless or until they discover any actual evidence.

I dont remeber who, but a few politically connected people commited suicide in similar fashion. it may be apocryphal but one shot himself three times in the head with a bolt action rifle (you have to manually load each bullet), another was found in a ditch and had shot himself in the back of the head. Suicide don’t do

Yes, investigate to his heart’s content. Like Trump’s “charity” foundation is under investigation. But don’t release cryptic information about said ongoing investigation right before a contentious election instead of simply waiting 8 days for the investigation to be completed.

Oh it would be much classier than that. think one of those little gift bags with the colored tissue paper sticking out of the top. Then when you undo the beautifully tied bow, there’s a gorgeous selection of artisanal cocks, individually wrapped in gold foil.

You ass, now I have to clean cola off my keyboard.

How would that bag look like? Like a brown bag with the dicks sticking out like baguettes? Or just like a plastic bag?

The substantial story, which we’re not going to get until the dust settles (and Clinton is sworn in motherfuckers!), is that the FBI and DOJ are in serious discord. I don’t think the heart of it is the Clinton emails at all; rather, it’s Loretta Lynch vs. entrenched career FBI agents left over from the Bush

Yes. She will be on one side of the desk grinning while he glares at her. I see her asking everyone if they want coffee then sending him to get it. I would do that. Maybe have him be an advisor in Baghdad or a liason to North Korea for 4 years with no security.

because everyone’s in the pockets of the Clinton’s! They’re out to destroy America! They’re clearly already extremely powerful, yet still need to win the White House, because if Trump wins he would come riding up on a stallion with Vladimir Putin and slay them and evil liberal demons forever!!

Last week on Twitter: FBI is doing a great job - D. Trump

Heh. Funny, but sad, because you’re probably right.

I think it’s gotten to the point where you could just say “Clinton sent an email” and people would react as if it said she was taking bribes.

There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.