Because it is painfully obvious that the purpose here is to promote himself. Dog piling isn't courageous. I mean seriously hot take here that domestic abuse is bad.
Because it is painfully obvious that the purpose here is to promote himself. Dog piling isn't courageous. I mean seriously hot take here that domestic abuse is bad.
So .21-.29 is the sweet spot. That is where you want to be.
Yeah just because you don't harp on something constantly means that you are ignoring it.
I'm not sure. Is her defense that she wasn't drunk when she hit the two cars, but became drunk after arriving home? Seems like you could reasonably determine that wasn't possible just based on the amount of time involved (assuming police arrived shortly after and not several hours later).
If you're not surprised I'll be happy. Not just for this, but for all of his self-righteous, untempered, over-the-top bullshit.
I wouldn't suggest that. But I would say Olberman is a hypocrite and only jumped on this for his personal gain. He can go fuck himself. And he works for ESPN which broadcasts and greatly profits from the NFL yet has the gall to call out those who watch the NFL as being complicit and responsible for domestic…
This is #1 to me. The fact is the airlines are the cause of a lot of the asshole behaviors. Paying for checked bags causes people to carry on and for the bins to get full which is why people line up and cramming as many seats as possible on the plane causes people to bitch about reclining. But the whole get up and…
I pretty much agree. The thing is sometimes overhead space is filling up and you may want to put it in so that you don't get to the back and find that there is no space. Then you have to turn around and there are all the people behind you and possibly the space up front has been taken. But if there is clearly space…
You are fine, the point is to only put your carry-on in the overhead and not your "personal item." In other words only put one thing up there until everyone is on board.
The movie has a point of view and they present it using a "villain" type. It is pretty normal for a movie to have exaggerated personal qualities in its characters.
First of all for someone so commited to logic you presuppose a lot of conclusions.
Personal story, but when I took philosophy I had a professor that was pretty much spot on what I imagine from the trailer of this movie (which I had no interest in actually watching). Smug, atheist, maybe an asshole, not really sure. But for sure a smug atheist. I lasted about two weeks and dropped the class…
I never realized until now that O'Brien is now Thomas Durant from Hell on Wheels. Guy hasn't missed a lot of meals in the last 15 years.
To be sued means to have a law suit (or similar legal redress) filed against you. The term doesn't imply anything with regard to the success of such law suit.
To the question of whether they could be sued. You could file a suit. It would be immediately thrown out.
Well that depends how much you paid yourself in those 5-7 years. Likely not much, but if you saw some success at some point, chances are you were taking a salary that you still keep. I would think to operate a business at basically breaking even or losing money for more than a year or two. If you in a long game…
I actually have fantastic reading skills, but this is more in the area of logical reasoning which it so happens I am even better at. Read the phrase "by that act alone." That phrase suggests that an extraneous act after being put out would cause the other runner to be out as well. Read it again. Think about what…
I mean John Wayne played the same role in every movie and our dads treat him like he's the second coming. Honestly about 95% either play almost the same role in every movie or just do a bad job.
I mean, you are just wrong: