Except he is better than my drunk uncle because instead of saying a racist thing, he says a progressive thing :)
Except he is better than my drunk uncle because instead of saying a racist thing, he says a progressive thing :)
Danny Devito is like that weird drunk uncle that makes holidays more intetesting because you literally never know what he is going to say next
Crime and Punishment. It’s just an amazing book.
I read Crime and Punishment a few years ago and I quite liked it. I didn’t think I would.
This is heartbreaking. Please, please, please find a therapist who can help you find the time and inner resources to do all the things - sculpture, writing, giving back, helping people - that will make your life worth living. You are an amazing person with a fuckton to offer. And I’m not just saying that based on this…
So how come when it snows people remember to stock up on milk but not condoms?
Not being able to pay bills or buy food are real problems. Don’t diminish them.
I love the advice of spending time wiht yourself and your friends. It’s a great opportunity to try new things that tyou’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the time until now. :)
A bit of TMI ahead!
Congtatulations! Here’s my wedding planning advice:
Happy anniversary! Here’s to seven years of kinda caring about his boner ;)
There’s nothing you can do. When people decide to do this, they go in 100%. I bet she feels it too but her options are a) deal with it head on b) put her head down and power forward. She will, of course, choose the latter. All you can do is be there for her. I mean, I guess if you meet him again you could have a…
Hey hey, frequent lurker, rare poster on the Saturday night social (think I’m technically still in the greys, boo). But something that has been on my mind all week has been the Oscar fiasco playing out in the media. I usually don’t even pay much attention to the Oscars but the last few years have gotten me down,…
Do the opposite of whatever you’ve been doing re: dating. If you’ve been meeting guys out, go online. If you’re online, try picking them up in bars or social events or reading groups or whatever. Most importantly, spend time with your friends and yourself when you’re in a dating slump. I like to use those times to…
I have nothing to say except I have a date with a hot lady next week after a couple years of not dating women (for a variety of reasons that would take a while to explain but they weren’t entirely voluntary) and I am nervous/excited. I had my big queer girl awakening a couple years ago, loved it, and then moved to a…
Report that shit ASAP to the shuttle company. They should be able to know who your driver is and address it. That’s not okay... I’m sorry you had to deal with that. :(
There are a lot of indoor playgrounds here in Florida, especially down south where it’s too hot to be outside for like 9 months of the year. Some of them are municipally owned, but a the most brilliant one I’ve ever come across is this place that is a coffee shop with an enormous indoor complex attached. The coffee…
Hey I had a really good idea today, maybe some civic minded Jezzies could guide me on how to bring it to fruition. For those of us who live where it’s cold for about half the year, wouldn’t it be awesome to have indoor municipal playgrounds (nothing fancy, slides, jungle gym, swings, maybe a soft surface floor for the…
I’m going out tonight! Finally going to see freaking Star Wars. It’s a miracle.