
Kind of a nice painting / print. Did you make that? I can't really see it that well but I am very interested in nonobjective painting. Looks cool.

I hope all the people who are allegedly so obsessed with Bey in these parts give your post one million starz.

Strangely, I am also such a big fan of Boondock! Suffered through II (though it wasn't quite as bad as it could've been) and Overnight, the documentary about Troy Duffy, and have seen the original maybe ... it would be frightening to admit how many times.

That is actually a damn sweet dress, and if that's an actual photo of you in your stripe-y motion, it looks great!

Thanks for all that information and really thoughtful reply.

Are you an academic librarian, or a Phd who's just kind of helping out...? Don't answer if you don't feel comfortable and I'm not trying to dox you either.

Yeah, that's a good idea, the old comment thread post! Thanks for the kind words. I wish there were DM or at least a DropBox type function where people could leave contact details, etc.

I agree with a lot of your very cogent commentary and many of your opinions and even if I didn't I appreciate your command of the English language, an increasing rarity.

"I wonder why a feminist blog would be disabled ..."

Something that has helped me a lot in remaining a vegetarian since 1994 (converted as a teen) and more recently a vegan is psychologically decentering meat as a main dish. That's one of the reasons I think that stuff like Tofurkey and chicken fakenuggets and stuff like that is that they still privilege something

WalMart. Whatever, the other American retailer known for suppressing wages and unions.

You realize this woman's behavior had nothing to do with the fact she was German, right?

Palin is a self-aggrandizing narcissist without a shred of reflection or even the kind of cagey barometer for public opinion that many pols have. Please don't cut this woman any slack. Remember the many photos of her posing with wolves killed in Alaska's "shoot haphazardly from a helicopter at anything that moves"

This space could have been used for an interesting analysis of the photos (don't worry the readers who are used to providing content for free will do it for you) particularly in regard to Rihanna's (and also the Kardashians & Kanye and the late Joan Rivers) patronage of furriers. Like, who wears fur in 2014?

But you can see why, given the generally blaxploitive and incomprehensible "ironic" "style" of your writing, that someone would think that, right? I'd really like to hear from the "author" why this cadence is appropriate in your voice but not, for example, in Iggy Azalea's.

"...despite the fact that we were clearly Americans and spoke little to no Spanish...."

Whether it's art or the genealogy papers at the DAR building or the reassembled dinosaur skeletons at the Smithsonian or the sculpture garden at the Hirschorn, D.C. is a serious museum city, and whether you're in the coat check room or the gift shop, visitors are under "public treasured spaces" rules of conduct, like

I must tell you I am on another continent entirely from the one that houses Macon, Georgia and it is going to be difficult, impractical, and expensive (not to mention I imagine a further depletion of your very limited supply of originality) to continue to stalk me.

Because although the stuff in this collection may not have been valuable to the OP, it was valuable to someone. Museums have to do this kind of crap to make contact with the entitled 20 somethings who purportedly will become the next generation of donors, since their parents are wealthy. Actual art/history

What I am is grateful, that someone bestowed upon me an extremely insightful observation that advanced the conversation and also one that has never before been used on the Internet.