
“in this day and age”

This was obviously before he got married.

Dogs know. People who make my dog get twitchy are people I avoid. 

1) This is something that’s supposed to be a State law as it speaks to contract formation, which is a State by State issue (e.g. some States require a notary and two witnesses for an effective conveyance of real property for instance);

Each party usually requires a lawyer or real estate agent to see the sale through. If he was in such a confused state, the onus is on his lawyer and real estate agent, not the person who saw a house for sale and bought it.

please tell me carl’s sons name is pronounced shart

You want the perfect argument for term limits, Feinstein was the poster girl. Her mind was going—she had to realize it—but there was no gracefully bowing out with decency on her part. Instead, she held onto power till the bitter end.

Look I remember her back in the 80's when she was still a canny vibrant woman who could run rings around her political foes. She was part and parcel a staple of California politics and news all the way back to when she announced the death of Harvey Milk to a shocked public. She was brilliant.

In a year not a single person will care about the last few months of her time in the Senate

Can we cancel Dex Shepard already. I find him exhausting. 

It’s unclear if the Trump campaign knew about this connection and chose to go anyway as a fascist wink or if it was pure incompetence.”

Republican = Nazi

I mean, my first clue to that would be that in the 70's the leader of the church had a vision that black people could be ministers as well. Clearly had nothing to do with the President (I think Carter but might have been Ford) threatening to audit thier tax exempt status over the issue.

“licensed counselor” and “certified mental fitness trainer”

I understand the impulse to just brush this off because “oh, well all comedians embellish for comic effect”. That was my gut reaction too. But this is a little more than that. For starters, Minhaj is one of those comedians who doesn’t even really tell jokes. He’s a clapter comic who goes up on stage to make points for

No. We should have solidarity with workers, especially when it’s someone who has relied on these specific workers for their livelihood since childhood. Give a little back for fucksakes! She’s had a life of unimaginable wealth and privilege while the little people fight for the scraps.

Stand WITH them instead of your

She rebranded herself as an empathetic flower child. And people fell for it. Why? It’s not a secret that she’s from a famous family of actors. She’s got the role of a lifetime and isn’t about to loosen her grip on that bag. Fuck every one who needs the power of collective bargaining to get anywhere close to a decent

Im going to say it again.  I was born in 1965, the year that contraception was finally legalized.  I am the youngest of four children born to parents who never wanted children.  It sucked.  No child should have to grow up like that, but millions did.  If you're wondering why so many old people are screwed up.  We

Ooh, Abuelita’s been kicking up a fuss!